First change by Senate Republicans guts oversight of economic development

The first decision by the new Republican majority in the Iowa Senate was to eliminate the Senate Economic Growth Committee. The committee oversees hundreds of millions of dollars in state economic development efforts by multiple state agencies. The Senate Republicans’ decision runs counter to that of the Republican-controlled Iowa House, which today announced that the House Economic Growth Committee will continue.

Iowa Senate News Release
For immediate release: December 5, 2016


First change by Iowa Senate Republicans guts oversight of economic development projects  

Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg

Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg

[Des Moines] The first decision by the new Republican majority in the Iowa Senate was to eliminate the Senate Economic Growth Committee.  The committee oversees hundreds of millions of dollars in state economic development efforts by multiple state agencies.  The Senate Republicans’ decision runs counter to that of the Republican-controlled Iowa House, which today announced that the House Economic Growth Committee will continue.


“Senate Republicans should reconsider their decision to gut legislative oversight of Iowa’s job creation efforts,” said Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg (D-Cedar Rapids).  “The Senate Economic Growth Committee has helped Iowans create jobs with innovative programs in infrastructure, community development, and emerging technologies.  The committee’s job is to improve these efforts and provide a safeguard against crony capitalism.”


Legislation developed by the Senate Economic Growth Committee was supported by bipartisan majorities in the Iowa House and Senate and signed into law by both Democratic and Republican Governors, including Governor Branstad.  A 2016 example is Senate File 2300, legislation that will help make Iowa a key player in the next generation of renewable chemical production.


