Democratic Leader: Contact Republican Senators about budget cuts

Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg is urging Iowans to contact Republican Senators this week about their proposals for major mid-year budget cuts and the defunding of Planned Parenthood. Their mid-year budget cuts would take away critical funding for education, public safety, and our courts. If enacted it would be a ...

Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg is urging Iowans to contact Republican Senators this week about their proposals for major mid-year budget cuts and the defunding of Planned Parenthood.

Their mid-year budget cuts would take away critical funding for education, public safety, and our courts. If enacted it would be a cut of over $26 million from education, with $18 million from our public universities alone. The justice system would face a mid-year budget cut of more than $10 million, undermining the state’s ability to keep our communities as safe as possible.

In addition to drastic budget cuts, the Senate Republicans want to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood, making it difficult for thousands of Iowa women to get the preventative health care they need.

Below are the names of Republican Senators to contact. Those on the Judiciary and Appropriations committees are noted, because those committees will initially determine the future of these proposals.

You can reach them by calling the Senate switchboard at 515-281-3371. If you’re unable to reach them, please leave a message.

Senator Bill Anderson
Senator Jerry Behn
Senator Rick Bertrand (Appropriations)
Senator Michael Breitbach
Senator Waylon Brown
Senator Jake Chapman
Senator Mark Chelgren (Appropriations)
Senator Mark Costello (Appropriations)
Senator Dan Dawson (Vice Chair of Judiciary)
Senator Bill Dix (Republican Leader)
Senator Jeff Edler (Judiciary)
Senator Randy Feenstra
Senator Julian B. Garrett (Appropriations and Judiciary)
Senator Thomas A. Greene (Appropriations)
Senator Dennis Guth (Appropriations)
Senator Craig Johnson (Appropriations)
Senator Tim Kapucian
Senator Tim Kraayenbrink (Vice Chair of Appropriations)
Senator Mark S. Lofgren (Appropriations)
Senator Ken Rozenboom (Appropriations)
Senator Charles Schneider (Chair of Appropriations, Member of Judiciary)
Senator Jason Schultz (Judiciary)
Senator Mark Segebart
Senator Tom Shipley (Appropriations and Judiciary)
Senator Amy Sinclair (Judiciary)
Senator Roby Smith
Senator Jack Whitver
Senator Brad Zaun (Chair of Judiciary)
Senator Dan Zumbach (Appropriations)