Statement from Senate State Government Chair on “election integrity” proposals by Iowa Secretary of State

As the first-in-the-nation caucus state, Iowa should have the best-in-the-nation election laws. Democrats believe that means Iowa’s elections must be the most accurate, secure and efficient in the country, without disenfranchising a single Iowan. Those values will guide our decisions to support or oppose proposed Republican changes to Iowa’s election laws.

Iowa Senate News Release
For immediate release: January 5, 2017


Statement from Senate State Government Chair Jeff Danielson of Cedar Falls
in response to “election integrity” proposals by the Iowa Secretary of State


“Less than two months after praising the integrity of elections in Iowa, Secretary of State Paul Pate has released a partisan proposal that will suppress voter turnout across Iowa. Voter ID and other changes outlined today will disenfranchise older Iowans, younger Iowans and people of color.

“Senate Democrats have worked with Republican legislators and county auditors over the years to increase voter participation and election integrity in our state. The proposals today from Secretary Pate turn back the clock by making election policy a partisan issue.

“As the first-in-the-nation caucus state, Iowa should have the best-in-the-nation election laws. Democrats believe that means Iowa’s elections must be the most accurate, secure and efficient in the country, without disenfranchising a single Iowan. Those values will guide our decisions to support or oppose proposed Republican changes to Iowa’s election laws.”


