Today At 5:00 – Worker’s Rights Rally And Press Conference Before Public Hearing

State Senator Nate Boulton will join Iowans gathering in support of workers’ rights for a rally and news conference before the House public hearing on HF291 today. Public employees who will speak to the Iowa House will address the media beforehand. They’ll voice their frustration about the Republican-led attack on workers’ rights that has been fast-tracked through the Legislature.

For Immediate Release:
 February 13, 2017
Contact: Matt Sinovic, (515) 423-0530

Public Workers To Address Media
Before Public Hearing On Collective Bargaining Bill In The House

DES MOINES – Iowans will gather in support of worker’s rights for a rally and press conference before the House public hearing on HF291 Monday evening. Several of the public employees who plan to speak to the Iowa House will address the media beforehand. They’ll voice their frustration with the all-out, Republican-led attack on worker’s rights that has been fast-tracked through the Legislature despite no discussion of such sweeping changes in the previous election.

WHO: Iowans standing with public workers
WHAT: Workers Rally/Press Conference Before Iowa House Public Hearing
WHEN: Today, Monday, February 13, 5:00 PM
WHERE: Iowa State Capitol Rotunda, 1st Floor, 1007 East Grand Ave, Des Moines, Iowa
