Bolkcom: Republican policies are train wreck for working families

Branstad and Reynolds were elected based on two promises: Raise family incomes by 25% and create 200,000 new Iowa jobs within four years. They failed and made life worse for Iowa families and their communities.

Iowa Senate News Release
State Senator Joe Bolkcom: (319) 330-9541
For Immediate Release: March 14, 2017 


Statement by Senator Joe Bolkcom, lead Democrat on the Senate Appropriations Committee, on the updated revenue estimates

“In 2010, Governor Terry Branstad and Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds were elected to office based on two promises: Raise family incomes by 25% and create 200,000 new Iowa jobs within four years.

“They failed and made life worse for Iowa families and their communities.

“Now, with complete control of the Iowa Statehouse, Republicans are pursuing an agenda that is driving down incomes and destroying jobs.

“Their agenda includes grossly underfunding our local schools; turning Iowa’s respected, state-run Medicaid safety net into a national disaster; weakening the rights of workers and driving down wages; and showering out-of-state corporations with an all-you-can-eat buffet of tax cuts and tax credits.

“Senate Democrats stand ready to work with legislative Republicans, the Governor and Lt. Governor on a mid-course correction that will restore fiscal stability to our state budget by investing in our schools and job-creation initiatives, and taking a serious look at out-of-control spending on tax credits.”

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