Transportation – All-Bill Summary 2017

All transportation-related bills passed by the Legislature & signed into law for 2017. #ialegis #iagov #roads #motorvehicles #transportation #bridges #drivers #roadwork

The following bills were passed by the Legislature and signed into law by the Governor.

HF 203 – Federal road money swap w/state funds for local government projects
HF 218 – Extends the length of a single truck by four feet
HF 289 – Driver’s licenses issued in Carroll and Clay counties
HF 312 – Cars may stand unattended while motor running
HF 313 – Moving motor vehicles involved in an accident
HF 314 – Definition of a utility vehicle for purpose of safe passage
HF 372 – Right and left turns from double turn lanes
SF 473 – Motor Vehicle Enforcement officers to enforce all laws
HF 464 – ATVs crossing highways
SF 234 – Texting while driving becomes a primary offense
SF 406 – Permit exemptions for farm vehicles
SF 448 – Salvage motor vehicle titles
SF 462 – Transfers from DAS to State Treasurer

HF 203 authorizes the Iowa Transportation Commission to periodically allocate money from the Primary Road Fund for constructing, maintaining and establishing county and city roads in exchange for retaining federal dollars that would have been allocated to those projects. The Commission must consult with stakeholders, including regional planning affiliations, metropolitan planning organizations, Iowa State Association of Counties and League of Cities.

Annually, $150 million in federal aid flows to the Transportation Commission, which allocates funds to cities and counties. Projects paid for with federal money have certain requirements that state and local money does not, which means these requirements no longer must be met:

  • Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rates
  • Buy American provisions, including mandating the use of American steel
  • Environmental impact studies
    [3/13: 26-21, party-line (D. Johnson voting “no” with Democrats; Bertrand, Chapman, Sinclair excused)]


HF 218 increases the maximum length for a single truck from 41 feet to 45 feet, but does not increase the weight. A single truck may exceed 45 feet when applying for a permit. A violation earns a penalty of $200.
[4/4: 50-0]


HF 289 authorizes Carroll and Clay counties to issue driver’s licenses, non-operator ID cards and persons with disabilities identification tags.
[3/20: 49-0 (Shipley absent)]


HF 312 permits a motor vehicle to stand unattended without first stopping the engine.
[3/8: 49-0 (Chelgren excused)]


HF 313 requires a driver involved in an accident that results only in damage to remove the vehicle from the road if it is operable and can be reached safely. The driver must move the vehicle to the shoulder, emergency lane or median nearest the scene of the accident.
[4/12: 49-0 (Bertrand excused)]


HF 314 requires a driver approaching a stationary utility vehicle displaying a flashing light to change into the adjacent lane if possible. If a lane change is impossible, the driver must reduce speed and be prepared to stop.
[4/5: 50-0]


HF 372 allows a right turn from all right-turn lanes against a red light, and a left turn from all left-turn lanes on a one-way street against a red light. Vehicles turning left against a red light on a one-way street do not have to turn into the leftmost lane.
[3/13: 49-0 (Bertrand excused)]


HF 463 authorizes Motor Vehicle Enforcement officers employed by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) to enforce all state laws. This provision sunsets on July 1, 2018. They will primarily engage in federal and state motor carrier safety and lawful operation of commercial motor vehicles. In addition, a commercial learner permits no longer must be renewed after 180 days; it is now valid for one year with no renewal period.
[4/4: 41-9 (Bisignano, Bolkcom, Danielson, Dotzler, Horn, Jochum, D. Johnson, McCoy, Taylor “no”)]


HF 464 allows an all-terrain vehicle to cross a primary highway. They must do so at a 90-degree angle and at a point in the highway that has no obstruction and allows for quick and safe crossing.
[3/29: 49-0 (Bisignano excused)]


SF 234 makes texting while driving a primary offense. It updates and modernizes the definition of texting to include use of e-mail, webpages, social media and gaming. A phone may be used for calling, GPS and emergencies.
[3/22: 43-6 (Behn, Guth, Taylor, Chapman, Schultz, Zahn “no”; Shipley absent)]


SF 406 indicates that a permit is not required by a farmer operating a vehicle carrying an implement of husbandry between fields, between locations for repair or between locations for storage. The vehicle must adhere to all other requirements or restrictions relating to size, weight, load, lighting, flags, equipment or manner of operation.
[3/21: 49-0 (Shipley absent)]


SF 448 allows an insurer to apply for and be issued a salvage title without surrendering the certification of title, if ownership of the vehicle was transferred or will be transferred to the insurer, if 30 days have passed since a settlement with the previous owner due to damage to the vehicle. The insurer must submit an application to the county treasurer where the vehicle is stored and must have an affidavit from the insurer that two written attempts to obtain a properly assigned certificate of title were attempted and failed.
[3/21: 49-0 (Shipley absent)]


SF 462 provides that money collected for a certified driver’s abstract by the Department of Administrative Services and the Office of the Chief Information Officer be transferred to the State Treasurer, who will credit the money to the General Fund.
[3/9: 48-0 (Anderson, Bertrand excused]