Updates regarding efforts to protect children at risk of abuse

This page will be continually updated with Iowa Senate Democratic information on protecting children at risk of abuse.

This page will be continually updated with Iowa Senate Democratic information on protecting children at risk of abuse.


July 6th:

Democratic legislators offer next steps to improve child welfare


June 5th meeting:

Video of hearing: Part 1 (morning)  |  Part 2 (afternoon)

Meeting agenda with speakers and topics to be covered

Opening statement by State Senator Matt McCoy, ranking member on the Government Oversight Committee.

Radio Iowa coverage of meeting: After two tragic teen deaths, legislators hold hearing on Iowa’s child welfare system

Coalition for Responsible Home Education calls into question the only homeshcool expert witness to testify at the hearing: Iowa Legislature Hears from Homeschool Organization with a History of Opposing Child Welfare Measures

Iowa DHS decides to to have Alabama organization review of their child welfare efforts after pressure from outraged Iowans over failure to protect children from abuse: DHS Engages National Expert for Child Welfare Review


May 2017

Three-point plan to end string of Iowa child deaths

Senators respond to DHS Director Palmer retirement

March 20th meeting: https://www.facebook.com/IowaSenateDemocrats/videos/10154381540801778/

Senator McCoy and other legislators on efforts to investigate if the Iowa Department of Human Services is able to protect Iowa children at risk of abuse.


March 13th meeting:

Part 1: https://www.facebook.com/IowaSenateDemocrats/videos/10154364013276778/

Part 2: https://www.facebook.com/IowaSenateDemocrats/videos/10154364075661778/

Wendy Rickman, Division Administrator, Policy, Department of Human Services will answer questions from legislators. Wendy Rickman has been employed with DHS since 1987. Since beginning her employment with DHS, Wendy has served as an Abuse Assessor, ongoing Case Manager, Service Administrator for Scott County, and a Service Area Manager for the Davenport and the Des Moines Service Areas. Wendy is currently serving as the Division Administrator for the Division of Adult Children and Family Services.


March 6th meetinghttps://www.facebook.com/IowaSenateDemocrats/videos/10154341078836778/

Iowa children are falling through the cracks and government policies may be part of the problem. Rachel Coleman, Executive Director of the Coalition For Responsible Home Education, is the speaker.


February 27th meeting: https://www.facebook.com/IowaSenateDemocrats/videos/10154323020581778/

Malayia Knapp, who was beaten, starved, and imprisoned by her adoptive parents, speaks to Senator Matt McCoy and Representative Abby Finkenauer, members of the Senate and House Oversight Committees, and other legislators. McCoy and Finkenauer are holding a series of meetings on what Iowa can do to help children who are falling through the cracks and the government policies that may be part of the problem.