Quirmbach: GOP’s “tuition tax” will hurt students and weaken Iowa’s economy

Now, instead of ending huge giveaways to out-of-state corporations, Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans hope a steep, multi-year ‘tuition tax’ on Iowa students will balance Iowa’s busted state budget. 

For Immediate Release: Sept. 7, 2017

State Senator Herman Quirmbach of Ames, the Ranking Member of the Senate Education Committee, released a statement in response to today’s meeting of Tuition Task Force with the Iowa Board of Regents:

“In a series of meetings, Iowans overwhelmingly urged the Board of Regents not to impose years of sharp tuition increases on Iowa students and their families.

“Let’s be clear.  During the 2017 session, Republicans balanced the state budget by cutting university funding, forcing a tuition increase this year of more than twice what the Board of Regents had proposed.  Now, instead of ending huge giveaways to out-of-state corporations, Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans hope a steep, multi-year ‘tuition tax’ on Iowa students will balance Iowa’s busted state budget.

“However, making college much more costly for Iowa students will only make things worse.  Iowa is in a downward spiral.  Our state’s lack of skilled workers prevents strong economic growth.  The lack of economic growth creates a budget deficit.  Republicans cut education to balance the budget.  Those cuts worsen our skilled worker shortage.

“The Republican plan to balance the budget through a ‘tuition tax’ on Iowa families will hurt Iowa’s economy and should be rejected.”

