Reaction by Senate Democrats to the latest update on GOP’s budget mess

This is the third time we have seen a budget shortfall for Fiscal Year 17. Economic prosperity and fiscal responsibility can only return if Governor Reynolds and Republican legislators start working in a bipartisan way to make smart investments in Iowa workers and their families.

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release:  Wednesday, September 20, 2017


This is a statement from Sen. Joe Bolkcom, ranking member of the Senate Appropriation Committee

“This is the third time we have seen a budget shortfall for Fiscal Year 17. Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans have created a budget mess by failing to grow Iowa’s economy.  They have failed to keep their promises to increase family incomes by 25 percent and to create more than 200,000 new jobs.

“Economic prosperity and fiscal responsibility can only return if Governor Reynolds and Republican legislators start working in a bipartisan way to make smart investments in Iowa workers and their families.”

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