Another broken health care promise to Iowans by Republicans

“Governor Reynolds and the Republicans in Washington, D.C., continue to break their promise to provide access to affordable health care to more than 72,000 Iowans. “Republicans have done everything possible to undermine ObamaCare and they have failed to provide a workable, bipartisan alternative to help Iowans who need health care ...

“Governor Reynolds and the Republicans in Washington, D.C., continue to break their promise to provide access to affordable health care to more than 72,000 Iowans.

“Republicans have done everything possible to undermine ObamaCare and they have failed to provide a workable, bipartisan alternative to help Iowans who need health care security.

“Whenever Governor Reynolds is ready to work with legislative Democrats on a workable, bipartisan solution, we’re ready to work with her.”

–Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on failure of Governor Reynolds’ stopgap insurance proposal.