Kinney invites Iowans to share ideas for job creation at Sigourney town meeting

“Rural Iowans need higher wages. Rural businesses need skilled workers and more customers,” said Kinney, a farmer and retired deputy sheriff.  “At the Sigourney Library meeting, I’ll be listening for ideas that will help create jobs and economic prosperity across our state.  

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release: October 4, 2017


State Senator Kevin Kinney of Oxford is organizing a town hall meeting on jobs at the Sigourney Public Library on Monday, October 23.  The event will begin at 6 PM and conclude at 7 PM.

“Rural Iowans need higher wages. Rural businesses need skilled workers and more customers,” said Kinney, a farmer and retired deputy sheriff.  “At the Sigourney Library meeting, I’ll be listening for ideas that will help create jobs and economic prosperity across our state.

The State Senator encouraged people to bring their suggestions.

“This will be a discussion, not a lecture,” said Kinney. “The best ideas often appear when we get together and listen to each other.”
