Latest revenue estimates show Republican policies continue to damage job growth and economic opportunities

“Today’s updated revenue estimates are more evidence that Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are continuing to break those promises to Iowans. That’s bad, bad news for Iowa families and their communities, especially those living in smaller towns and rural ares.”

October 19, 2017 

Statement on the updated revenue estimates by Senator Joe Bolkcom,
Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member

“Since 2010, Statehouse Republicans and then-Governor Terry Branstad have made two big promises to Iowans: Raise family incomes by 25% and create 200,000 new Iowa jobs.

“Today’s updated revenue estimates are more evidence that Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are continuing to break those promises to Iowans. That’s bad, bad news for Iowa families and their communities, especially those living in smaller towns and rural ares.

“The bottom line is that economic prosperity and fiscal responsibility will only return if Governor Reynolds and Republican legislators start working in a bipartisan way to make smart investments in Iowa workers and their families.”

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