Iowans are still paying price of failed GOP policies

Statehouse Republicans adopted a my-way-or-the-highway approach to budget and policy decisions during the 2017 session. They ignored the voices of working Iowans who were begging them to keep their two biggest campaign promises: Raise family incomes by 25 percent and create 200,000 new Iowa jobs.

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release: December 11, 2017  


Statement on the updated revenue estimates by Senator Joe Bolkcom,
Ranking Member of Senate Appropriations Committee

“Economic prosperity and fiscal responsibility will only return to Iowa if Governor Reynolds and Republican legislators start working in a bipartisan way to make smarter investments in Iowa workers and their families.

“With complete control of the Iowa Capitol, Statehouse Republicans adopted a my-way-or-the-highway approach to budget and policy decisions during the 2017 session. This meant that they ignored the voices of working Iowans who were begging Statehouse Republicans to keep their two biggest campaign promises: Raise family incomes by 25 percent and create 200,000 new Iowa jobs.

“Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans continue to break those big promises and working Iowans – especially those in smaller towns and rural areas – are paying the price.

“Senate Democrats remain ready to work with legislative Republicans and the Governor on a mid-course correction that will restore fiscal stability to our state budget by investing in successful job-creation initiatives and taking a serious look at out-of-control spending on tax credits.”

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