Legislators highlight Cedar Rapids recycling success

Before Iowa repeals the bottle bill signed by Governor Bob Ray nearly 40 years ago, it is important for legislators and the public to know how it is actually working today.

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release: January 2, 2018

1:30 PM, Friday, Jan 5
Can Shed
4121 16th Ave SW
Cedar Rapids

To gather information about how Iowa’s bottle deposit law is working, State Sen. Rob Hogg (D-Cedar Rapids), State Rep. Kirsten Running-Marquardt (D-Cedar Rapids), and other legislators will tour the Can Shed redemption center this Friday, January 5, at 1:30 p.m. at 4121 16th Ave SW in Cedar Rapids.

The Can Shed has 35 full-time employees and marked its 20th year of operation last year.

The news media is invited to join the 1:30 p.m. tour on Friday and is also welcome to participate in the discussion immediately afterwards.

“In states without a bottle deposit law, an average of only 28% of containers are recovered for recycling,” said Troy Willard, the Can Shed CEO.  “We are proud that Iowa’s recovery rate is 86%.”

“Before Iowa repeals the bottle bill signed by Governor Bob Ray nearly 40 years ago, it is important for legislators and the public to know how it is actually working today,” said Senator Hogg.

“I want to make sure that any changes considered by the Legislature this year are responsible and don’t negatively impact Iowans, our small businesses, the environment, and our pocketbooks,” said Representative Running-Marquardt.
