Water quality deserves a REAL solution

Water quality is a real problem that deserves a real solution. SF 512 fails to ensure accountability through monitoring to measure whether the state is achieving the goal of cleaner water and healthier soils.

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release: January 23, 2018


Statement on House passage of SF 512
from Senator Bob Dvorsky of Coralville,
Ranking Member of the Natural Resources and Environment Committee

“Water quality is a real problem that deserves a real solution. Senate File 512 is not a real solution.

“This bill fails to ensure accountability through monitoring to measure whether the state is achieving the goal of cleaner water and healthier soils.

“This bill falls also short because Republicans failed to work in a bipartisan manner and failed to seek input from farmers, environmentalist and other concerned Iowans. A bipartisan approach would have produced a better bill that would have been effective at addressing this serious issue.”
