Statehouse Republicans ‘still have a giant budget mess on their hands’

What’s to blame? A Republican agenda that grossly underfunds our local schools; turns Iowa’s respected, state-run Medicaid safety net into a national disaster; weakens rights of workers and drives down wages; and showers out-of-state corporations with an all-you-can-eat buffet of tax cuts and tax credits.  

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release: March 9, 2018


Statement by Senator Joe Bolkcom on updated revenue estimates

“You can’t put lipstick on a pig. No matter how Statehouse Republicans try to spin it, they still have a giant budget mess on their hands.

“Here’s the truth:

  • Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans have NO agreement on how to balance the current year’s budget.
  • Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans have NO plan for balancing next year’s budget.
  • Statehouse Republicans have put $144 million on the state’s credit card in an attempt to balance FY17 budget.
  • Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are moving a bloated tax plan that gives most of the benefits to millionaires and big corporations.
  • Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are laying the groundwork to break a promise to Iowans that will result in higher property taxes.

“What’s to blame? An agenda by Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans that includes grossly under-funding our local schools; turning Iowa’s respected, state-run Medicaid safety net into a national disaster; weakening the rights of workers and driving down wages; and showering out-of-state corporations with an all-you-can-eat buffet of tax cuts and tax credits.

“Senate Democrats still stand ready to work with legislative Republicans and the Governor on a mid-course correction that will restore fiscal stability to our state budget by investing in our schools and job-creation initiatives, and taking a serious look at out-of-control spending on tax credits.”
