Statement on resignation of Senate Republican Leader 

With Senator Dix’s resignation, Republican Senators have an opportunity to finally get it right and change a culture at the Iowa Capitol that puts lobbyists, special interests, and political arrogance ahead of the interests of Iowa families.

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release:  March 12, 2018 

Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen
on resignation of Senate Republican Leader 

“With Senator Dix’s resignation, Republican Senators have an opportunity to finally get it right and change a culture at the Iowa Capitol that puts lobbyists, special interests, and political arrogance ahead of the interests of Iowa families.

“Republican Senators have an obligation to elect a new leader who will take responsibility for the sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation against former Senate Republican staffer Kirsten Anderson by Republican Senators and staff. After footing the bill for a $1.75 million settlement in Kirsten Anderson’s lawsuit against Senate Republicans, Iowa taxpayers deserve nothing less.

“It is shameful that the only person fired in this whole scandal was the victim. No Republican Senators or staff were punished for their wrongdoing in this case. And many staffers have reported that they are still afraid to report harassment at the Capitol.

“There is a reckoning in our country on the issue of harassment in the workplace. The new Senate Republican leader should be someone who will hold Republican Senators and staff accountable for their actions in the Kirsten Anderson case and take steps immediately to address this issue.”

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