Statement from Senate Dem Leader on signing of GOP tax scheme

Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are putting our state at greater financial risk with a tax scheme that is a bad deal for most Iowans. The legislation signed into law today is bursting with giveaways to millionaires, wealthy corporations and people who don’t live in Iowa.

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release: 
May 30, 2018   


“Instead of addressing Iowa’s budget crisis, Governor Reynolds and legislative Republicans are putting our state at greater financial risk with a tax scheme that is a bad deal for most Iowans. The legislation being signed into law today is bursting with giveaways to millionaires, wealthy corporations and people who don’t live in Iowa.

“It will raise property taxes on Iowa families, seniors and small businesses; and it will result in deep, deep cuts to health care services, job creation and education, and public safety.

“Senate Democrats came into the 2018 session promising to support tax reform that would (a) make the tax system fairer for working families and small businesses; (b) make Iowa businesses more competitive; (c) take into account our current budget crisis; and (d) tackle corporate tax giveaways, the fastest growing part of the state budget.

“By every measure, the tax plan approved in the 11th hour of the 2018 session failed every one of those tests.”

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