Appropriations Committee – All-Bill Summary 2018

SF 2117—FY18 budget cuts SF 2414—Infrastructure Budget FY19 SF 2415—Education Budget FY19 SF 2416—Administration and Regulation Budget FY19 SF 2418—Health and Human Services Budget FY19 – ITEM VETO HF 633—School shared operational functions HF 637—Background checks with CIO and Credit Union Division HF 648—Career and Technical Education HF 2480—Manufactured Housing ...

SF 2117—FY18 budget cuts
SF 2414—Infrastructure Budget FY19
SF 2415—Education Budget FY19
SF 2416—Administration and Regulation Budget FY19
SF 2418—Health and Human Services Budget FY19 – ITEM VETO
HF 633—School shared operational functions
HF 637—Background checks with CIO and Credit Union Division
HF 648—Career and Technical Education
HF 2480—Manufactured Housing Program and Fund
HF 2491—Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget FY19
HF 2492—Justice System Budget FY19 – ITEM VETO
HF 2493—Economic Development Budget FY19
HF 2494—Transportation Budget FY19
HF 2495—Judicial Branch Budget FY19
HF 2502—Standings FY19 – ITEM VETO


SF 2117 is the Republican mid-year cut in appropriations to various departments and state agencies for FY18. The bill also transferred money from the General Fund to the Skilled Worker and Job Creation Fund, and made supplemental appropriations.

As passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor, the bill:

  • Reduced FY18 General Fund appropriations by $25.5 million;
  • Transferred $10 million from the Skilled Worker and Job Creation Fund to the General Fund;
  • Made supplemental appropriations to the State Public Defender’s Office for Indigent Defense ($1.7 million) and to the Department of Administrative Services for utilities costs ($451,871).

The estimated ending balance is $31.84 million. The bill is effective upon enactment.


Significant General Fund budget reductions include:

  • -$10.9 million from the Regents (University of Iowa and Iowa State University only)
  • -$4.3 million from the Department of Human Services
  • -$3.4 million from the Department of Corrections
  • -$1.6 million from the Judicial Branch
  • -$784,830 from the Department of Education
  • -$662,871 from the Department of Public Health
  • -$528,271 from the Department of Revenue
  • -$500,000 from Community Colleges General Aid

Authority to implement: Department directors may implement the reductions within their departments as they see appropriate, in consultation with the Department of Management (DOM).

Restrictions on reductions:

  • Department of Education cannot reduce the standing appropriation to non-public school transportation.
  • Department of Human Services cannot reduce benefits under the Medicaid state plan and approved waivers.
  • Department of Justice (Attorney General’s Office) cannot reduce expenditures for victim assistance grants.
  • Department of Public Safety cannot apply reductions to the State Patrol.
  • DOM, in consultation with the departments and Judicial Branch, must identify and implement reductions, and file a report with the Legislature within 15 days of the effective date of the bill.

Transfer of Skilled Worker and Job Creation Fund and the Reduction of High Quality Jobs: The bill transfers $10 million from the Iowa Skilled Worker and Job Creation Fund to the General Fund. The appropriation for the High Quality Jobs Program, which receives funding from the Skilled Worker and Job Creation Fund, is reduced from $15.9 million to $5.9 million.

Graduate Medical Education and Disproportionate Share Hospital Fund: Starting May 1, the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and Broadlawns must transfer the non-federal share of Graduate Medical Education (GME) and Disproportionate Share Hospital payments (DSH) to the Medicaid program. Increased costs for UIHC and Broadlawns for the rest of FY18:

  • UIHC: $1,142,525 (GME) + $146,437 (DSH) = $1,288,962
  • Broadlawns: $112,556 (GME) + 11,806 (DSH) = $124,362
  • Total: $1,413,324

Repeal Gubernatorial Transition Funding: The bill repeals an appropriation of $150,000 to the Offices of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor for FY18 expenses incurred for the gubernatorial transition.


  • $1.7 million to the State Public Defender’s Office for the Indigent Defense Fund for eligible adults and juvenile criminal cases.
  • $451,871 to the Department of Administrative Services for the utilities costs.
  • $64,257 to the Pharmaceutical Settlement Account. Not a General Fund supplemental.

DIVISION III–Economic Emergency Fund Changes

The Republican proposal makes significant changes to the Governor’s ability to transfer funds from the Economic Emergency Fund to the General Fund. The maximum had been $50 million. It is changed to 1 percent of the adjusted revenue estimate for the fiscal year in which the appropriation is made.

To make the transfer, the General Fund balance must be negative at the end of the fiscal year, and the Governor must issue a proclamation, notify the Legislative Fiscal Committee and the Legislative Services Agency of the negative balance, and bring the General Fund into balance with the transfer.

The bill eliminates two of the four requirements for the Governor to make the transfer, including that accruals be at least one-half of 1 percent less than the estimate of the fiscal year’s third quarter.

Retroactive to September 28, 2017, the bill transferred $13 million from the Economic Emergency Fund to the General Fund.


The bill is effective upon enactment.
[3/21:28-21 (No: Democrats, D. Johnson; Vacant: Dix)]


SF 2414 is the Transportation, Infrastructure and Capitals Appropriations. It appropriates $115.9 million in FY19 and includes these sources: Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund (RIIF); Technology Reinvestment Fund (TRF); State Bond Repayment Fund; and Revenue Bond Capitals Fund (RBC). The legislation fully funds the $42 million to the Environment First Fund and the $3 million to the State Housing Trust Fund.

Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund

Department of Administrative Services

  • Major Maintenance: FY19 $25 million and $20 million annually FY20 thru FY23. Priority must be given to Historical Building roof repairs. The bill authorizes $3.3 million this year and next for associated costs.
  • Routine Maintenance Fund (standing): $2 million
  • State Capitol Maintenance Fund (standing): $500,000 annually under control of the Legislative Council for Capitol and Ola Babcock Miller Building projects.

Iowa Department of Ag and Land Stewardship

  • Iowa Water Quality Initiative: $5.2 million
  • Ag Drainage Wells: $1.9 million (Floyd, Grundy, Butler, Humboldt counties)
  • Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Fund: $3 million

Chief Information Officer

  • Broadband grants program: $1.3 million

Cultural Affairs 

  • Iowa Great Places: $1 million
  • Strengthening Communities grants (Rural YMCAs): $250,000

Economic Development Authority

  • Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) grants: $5 million
  • Regional Sports Authority districts: $500,000
  • World Food Prize Borlaug/Ruan Scholarship program: $300,000
  • AAU Junior Olympics: $250,000
  • Natural Gas Pipeline: $250,000 (between Worth and Mitchell counties, to engineer and construct pipeline for a Regional Port Authority)

Human Services

  • ChildServe Expansion: $500,000
  • Nursing Home Facility Improvements: $500,000

Iowa Law Enforcement Academy

  • Academy Building renovation model: FY19 – $1.5 million; FY20 – $10.8 million


  • Polk County Justice Center: $1.5 million

Natural Resources

  • State Park Infrastructure: $2 million
  • Lake Restoration Plan: $9.6 million
  • Water Trails and Low Head Dams: $500,000

Public Defense

  • Facility/Armory Major Maintenance: $1 million
  • Readiness Centers: $1 million
  • Camp Dodge Improvement projects: $250,000 (sanitary and storm sewers)

Public Safety

  • State Communications System lease payments: $1.4 million
  • Tasers: $740,000 (to replace 600 Tasers purchased in FY14)


  • Tuition Replacement: $31.5 million
  • ISU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (new construction): FY19: $1 million; $12.5 million for the subsequent five fiscal years. The Governor recommended $20 million.


  • Railroad Revolving Loan and Grant Fund: $1 million
  • Public Transit Vertical Infrastructure Grants: $1.5 million
  • Commercial Air Service Vertical Infrastructure Grants: $1.5 million
  • Recreational Trails: $1 million
  • General Aviation Vertical Infrastructure Grants: $700,000. Grants must be for public use general aviation. Eligible airports apply to DOT. Transportation Commission reviews and approves applications.


  • County Fair Infrastructure: $1.1 million distributed equally among 105 county fairs in the Association.

Technology Reinvestment Fund

Chief Information Office

  • $1 million to transfer archived e-mail data to Google and improve e-mail encryption. The Governor recommended $3.3 million.


  • IPTV Equipment replacement: $500,000
  • Statewide Ed Data Warehouse: $600,000
  • ICN Part III maintenance/leases: $2.8 million

Homeland Security and Emergency Management

  • Alert Iowa Messaging System: $400,000

Human Rights

  • Criminal Justice Information System: $1.2 million
  • Justice Data Warehouse: $157,980

Human Services

  • Medicaid Management Information System: FY19 – $636,000; FY20 – $1,228,535

Inspections and Appeals

  • State Public Defender: $88,800

Judicial Branch

  • $3 million for cybersecurity management, improvements to software and the electronic document system, a specialty courts study and digital audio recording equipment improvements. The Governor recommended $7 million.


  • Transparency Project: $45,000
  • Local Government Budget and Property Tax System: $600,000
  • Electronic Grant Management System: $70,000

Natural Resources

  • Air Quality Permit System: $954,000

Parole Board

  • Record Digitization: $50,000

Public Health

  • Medical Cannabidiol Registry: $350,000

Public Safety

  • Crime Scene Processing equipment: $125,000
  • Radio upgrades: $860,000

Secretary of State

  • IVOTERS: 7.4 million to replace the IVOTERS application and implement 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 110 (Regulation of Elections and Voting Act), which authorized 17-year-olds to vote in a primary election if they will be 18 at the time of a general or regular city election (FY19: $1.1 million; FY20: $2.1 million; and $1.4 million annually the following three fiscal years).
    [5/2: 45-3 (No: Bolkcom, Dotzler, Hogg; Absent: Chelgren, Sinclair)]


SF 2415, the FY19 Education Budget, appropriates $912.6 million and 11,940 FTE positions to the Department for the Blind, the College Student Aid Commission, the Department of Education and the Board of Regents. This is an increase of $4 million over original FY18 and an increase of $16.5 million compared to final FY18. However, the FY19 Education Budget is $47 million less than the original FY17 budget. Public higher education has absorbed $33 million of that cut.

College Student Aid Commission (CSAC): An increase of $476,000 compared to revised FY18.

  • National Guard Educational Assistance Program: An increase of $1.6 million to meet anticipated demand.
  • Iowa Tuition Grant Program (nonprofit): Status quo funding at $46.6 million
  • For-Profit Iowa Tuition Grant: Cut $1,123,780 (was $1.5 million, now $376,220). Of this amount, Barber/Cosmetologist funding is capped at $80,000 (old program was $37,000).

Department of Education: An increase of $7.6 million compared to revised FY18.

  • General Aid for Community Colleges: An increase of $2 million.
  • Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates program (iJAG): An increase of $1 million.
  • Iowa Reading Research Center: An increase of $345,000.

New Programs/Funding – Department of Education:

  • Statewide Student Assessments: $2.7 million
  • Work-Based Learning Clearing House (Future Ready Initiative): $250,000
  • Summer Joint Enrollment for High School Students (Future Ready Initiative): $600,000
  • Computer Science Professional Development Fund: $500,000
  • Iowa Learning Online: $500,000

Board of Regents: An increase of $8.4 million compared to revised FY18.

  • State universities: A general increase of $8.3 million, allocated by Board of Regents.
  • A 1 percent increase for School for the Deaf ($99,000) and for the Braille and Sight Saving School ($41,000).

Worker Training: $40.3 million (status quo funding). This Fund was created in FY14 by transferring $66 million in gambling receipts off budget. $40.3 million was appropriated in the Education Budget.

  • Workforce Training and Economic Development Funds (260C.18A): $15.1 million
  • Workforce Preparation Reporting System: $200,000
  • Adult Literacy for the Workforce: $5.5 million
  • Pace and Regional Sectors: $5 million
  • GAP Tuition Assistance: $2 million
  • Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grants: $5 million
  • Work-Based Learning Intermediary Network: $1.5 million
  • ACE Infrastructure: $6 million

Significant Language/Policy Changes: 

  • Increases the salary range for the executive director of the College Student Aid Commission.
  • Puts an $80,000 limit on the appropriation for barber and cosmetology students who get the For-Profit Iowa Tuition Grant.
  • Eliminates the Rural Iowa Registered Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant Loan Repayment Program and establishes (a smaller) Health Care Loan Repayment Program to provide repayment of qualified loans of registered nurses, advanced registered nurse practitioners, physician assistants and nurse educators who practice full-time in a service commitment area or teach in Iowa. The maximum payment is $6,000.
  • Modifies SF 475 (Financial Literacy) by outlining nine curriculum requirements, but allowing for the curriculum to be incorporated into other courses and counted toward meeting graduation requirements. It also allows the required 1/2 unit of financial literacy to be taken in place of a 1/2 unit of social studies.
  • Clarifies (SF 475 – Online Learning) that all teachers must be Iowa certified and that the Department of Education must evaluate and approve private online providers operating in state.
    [5/2: 26-21 (No: Democrats, D. Johnson; Excused: Bertrand, Chelgren, Sinclair)]


SF 2416 is the FY19 Administration and Regulation budget, which appropriates $48 million from the General Fund and 1,144.27 FTEs. This is an increase of $925,000.

Department Specifics:

Department of Administrative Services – $6.9 million and 56.44 FTEs

  • A decrease of $12,560 for DAS operations.
  • An increase for $451,871 for utilities.

Auditor – $986,193 and 103 FTEs, a decrease of $8,062 and 1 FTE position.

Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board – $597,501 ($50,000 increase, as requested) and 6 FTEs.

Department of Commerce – $1.3 million from the General Fund, $27.4 million from the Commerce Revolving Fund and 305.75 FTEs; a decrease of $202,231 from the General Fund.

Governor’s Office – $2.1 million and 22.48 FTEs

  • Status quo for the Governor’s Office
  • Status quo Terrace Hill Quarters

Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy – $226,247 (status quo) and 4 FTEs

Department of Human Rights – $1.166 million and 12 FTEs

  • Central Administration (status quo from mid-year cut level)
  • Community Advocacy and Services (status quo from mid-year cut level)

Department of Inspections and Appeals – $11.5 million, which restores $158,374 from the mid-year cuts, and 266.03 FTEs. This is below FY17 funding levels.

Department of Management – $2.527 million from the General Fund, $56,000 from other funds and 20 FTEs

Public Information Board –$339,343 ($16,145 increase) and 3 FTEs

Department of Revenue – $15.6 million from the General Fund, $1.3 million from other funds, and 152.54 FTEs

Office of the Secretary of State – $3.5 million and 25 FTEs

Office of Treasurer – $1 million and 28.80 FTEs, a decrease of 0.02

IPERS Administration – Appropriates $17.9 million from other funds and 88.13 FTEs

Gaming Regulatory Revolving Fund – $6.419 million and 51.1 FTEs (a decrease of 11) to the Racing and Gaming Commission for regulating casinos. This is an increase of $225,000 for salaries and maintenance related to website construction.

New Policy Language

Purchasing – Purchase of passenger vehicles, light, medium-duty, and heavy-duty trucks, passenger and cargo vans, and sport utility vehicles. A purchase contract must be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder based solely on bid price. According to DAS, Iowa Code is outdated and must be updated for modern products.
[5/2: 28-20 (No: Democrats; Absent: Chelgren, D. Johnson, Sinclair)]


SF 2418 is the Republican Health and Human Services budget, which is $10 million less than the Governor’s proposed FY19 budget; $60 million more than revised FY18; $55 million more than original FY18; but $15 million less than the original FY17 budget and $80 million less than FY16.

Department on Aging

  • FY18 de-appropriation of $99,552 is continued.
  • $100,000 increase for a Pre-Medicaid Pilot Project. The department will submit a plan in December to keep individuals in their communities and out of long-term care facilities following a nursing facility stay.
  • Office of Long Term Care Ombudsman: status quo with FY18 revised
  • Aging is directed to apply for federal matching funds (claiming) for the Aging and Disability Resource Centers
  • Life Long Links is restored to $1 million (it was $750,000 for FY18)

Department of Public Health – A $4.16 million increase over revised FY18 ($4.6 lower than FY17):

  • $300,000 for childhood obesity prevention, for a total of $494,993
  • $2 million to reinstate the Medical Residency Program, which was not funded in FY18
  • $250,000 for the DMU psychiatric training for physicians (NEW PROGRAM)
  • Authority in the FY18 budget to make transfers and reductions to meet funding levels. Reductions are restored for FY19 for:
    • Hearing Aids for Kids: $156,482
    • Dental Services at U of I: $23,000
    • ACEs: $15,511
    • Child Health Specialty Clinics: $64,387
    • Epilepsy Foundation: $144,097
    • Melanoma Research: $150,000
    • Autism Assistance Program: $384,552
    • PKU food: $153,755
    • Brain Injury Alliance: $20,850
    • Prevent Blindness Iowa: $96,138
    • Free Clinics: $86,548
    • Safety Net Rx: $105,000
  • IDPH, DHS and a stakeholder workgroup will review reimbursement provisions related to dual diagnosis for substance abuse and mental illness, with a report due December 15, 2018.
  • Tobacco prevention funding stays at FY18 level of $4.021 million

Veterans Affairs – $86,895 increase:

  • Restores FY18 deappropriations
  • $10,000 for director’s salary increase
  • Restores a $42,075 Veterans County grants de-appropriation to return to FY17 funding levels of $990,000 ($10,000 per county)

Department of Human Services

  • $10,000 increase (total $70,000) for Parenthood Program (formerly called Fatherhood Program)
  • Child Care Assistance: overall general fund increase of $1.4 million
  • Sets Child Care Assistance reimbursement rates for FY19 as follows:
    • Maintains the FY18 child care provider reimbursement rate from July 1 to December 31, 2018.
    • Effective January 1, 2019, reimbursement rates for providers will increase, with $3 million available. Starting at the rate furthest from the 50th percentile of the 2014 Market Rate Survey (MRS) up to the relative percentage of the second-lowest rate as compared to the 50th percentile of the 2014 MRS.
    • If funds are projected to remain available, the lowest rates will continue to increase in a similar manner.
    • Effective January 1, 2019, the infant and toddler care reimbursement rate for providers in the Quality Rating System will move to the 75th percentile of the 2014 MRS, to the extent that the expenditures fit within the expected increase of funding in the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 for the Program.
  • No improvements to the eligibility side of Child Care Assistance; Republicans allowed $13 million of the federal child care funds to flow into the General Fund.
  • $212,000 for substance abuse program at Eldora (NEW)
  • $1.2 million increase for Eldora for staffing
  • $1.4 million for additional offenders at CCUSO
  • $300,000 (status quo) for children’s well-being collaboratives
  • Field Operations are funded at the FY18 level (status quo)
  • Refugee Rise stays at FY18 level of $200,000 (was $300,000 in FY17)
  • Decat carryforward funding is scooped and transferred to Medicaid
  • DHS will convene workgroup to review opportunities to increase engagement in SNAP employment and training program.
  • Non-reversion language for DHS institutions

Medicaid – $55 million increase:

  • Funds Medicaid at the March 2018 Forecast level but does not take FY19 capitation rate increases into consideration
  • $3 million increase for tiered rates and a review of the rates by the new actuary
  • $876,015 to implement HF 2456 (Mental Health Complex Needs). Fiscal note:
  • $1,545,530 to implement HF 2483 (Medicaid Oversight, included in this HHS bill). Fiscal note:
  • $1 million LUPA increase (home health services)
  • $488,033 for ChildServe, up to age 30 (NEW)
  • $195,000 for new Durable Medical Equipment refurbishing company NEW – ITEM VETO
  • Savings of $8.17 million by forcing UIHC and Broadlawns to pay for GME and DSH
  • $140,314 to restore retroactive eligibility for nursing facilities only
  • No new cost-containment initiatives for FY19, but FY18 initiatives continue (with the exception of the retro eligibility for nursing homes)


  • No general reductions were included for FY19, so authority for departments to transfer or reduce allocations is eliminated
  • UnityPoint allowed into State Family Planning Program (Planned Parenthood and UIHC still out)
  • Only Polk County is allowed to be a single-county MHDS Region
  • Authorizes CSS to split and form a new MHDS region. This is a one-time authorization.
  • Mandatory reporter training and certification workgroup and report
  • Nursing Facility Quality Assurance Assessment: 3 percent cap is removed to generate additional funds for nursing homes. Will apply to CMS to raise it to $4 million.
  • Supervised release of sex offenders: Eliminates language that permitted unsupervised release.
  • Definition of child abuse to include significant others of child care providers
  • Retro eligibility for nursing homes only reinstated
  • Allows Polk County to use non-mental health funds for mental health services for one year, then issue a report
  • Eldora clarifications updates: only court-committed males
  • Geriatric sex offender housing workgroup and report
  • Prohibits a cause of action due to wrongful birth, based on the Plowman Supreme Court case. This was HF 2405, which did not pass a Senate Judiciary subcommittee of Schultz, Sinclair and Petersen.
  • IDPH Medical cannabidiol fees (SF 2397)
  • Medicaid Oversight (HF 2483)
    • Requires MCOs to make timely payments
    • MCOs should correct system errors within 30 days
    • MCOs must provide written notice of system changes
    • Requires DHS to work on billing conflicts, etc., with MCOs
    • DHS must adopt rules to include ARNPs and PAs as primary care providers
    • Requires DHS to use standardized provider enrollment and credentialing forms
    • Review of health homes
    • MAAC to review data required for quarterly and annual reports
    • Adjusts TCM reimbursement rates
  • Judicial Branch fix on complex needs relating to pre-application screening
  • Language to require Wellmark and other insurers to reimburse temporarily licensed mental health providers
  • PBM transparency and requirements
  • Requires DHS to ensure all foster kids go to the doctor annually and requires DHS to request HHS rule changes requiring foster kids adopted by parents who receive an adoption subsidy to also go to the doctor annually.
    [5/5: 26-21 (No: Democrats, Chapman, D. Johnson; Absent: Bertrand, Chelgren, Hart)]


HF 633 extends the policy to provide incentives for school districts and AEAs to share certain administrative positions. In addition, the bill adds social workers to the eligible functions for sharing incentives. A school district that shares one or more operational functions of a curriculum director, school counselor, superintendent management, business management, human resources, transportation, or operation and maintenance for at least 20 percent of the school year gets a supplementary weighting for each shared function.

Supplementary weighting generated an estimated total of $16 million per year. This bill extends the program until 2024 and lifts the five year max years sharing. The maximum level of weighting any district could generate totals 21 and the statewide funding level could total $46.5 million if all districts are at the maximum weighting level. HF 633 is estimated to cost an additional $13 million per year by 2024.

Sharing Incentive Weightings include:

  • Superintendent management functions at a weighting factor of 8.
  • Business management, human resources, transportation, and operation and maintenance functions at a weighting factor of 5 per function.
  • Curriculum director and guidance counselor functions at a weighting factor of 3 per function.
  • Social workers functions at a weighting factor of 3.
    [5/5: 47-0 (Absent: Chelgren Hart, Sweeney)]


HF 637 provides for optional background checks for applicants with the Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO). This includes all technology staff in state agencies. The investigation may include a work-history review, financial review and a background check through the FBI. To comply with federal guidelines, a contractor, vendor, employee or anyone performing work for the CIO may be subject to a national criminal history check at least once every 10 years. The CIO will bill the appropriate state agency for the criminal check. The estimated cost is nominal (no fiscal note). The bill also repeals the Technology Advisory Council in 8B.8. This Council does not meet often, has poor participation and only represents six agencies. The CIO will consult all agencies and address the duties of the Technology Advisory Council.

The bill adds that a person convicted of theft, burglary, robbery, larceny, embezzlement or other crime involving breach of trust is forever disqualified from holding a position in the Credit Union Division. This is already law for the Superintendent or an employee of the Credit Union Division. The bill also adds a crime involving moral turpitude to the list that disqualifies an individual for a position, and clarifies when an applicant must provide fingerprints to the Credit Union Division. The Credit Union Division may conduct a criminal history check through the FBI every five years or whenever circumstances give reason to believe the employee has been arrested, charged or indicted for a crime listed in 533.106, subsection 6. The Credit Union Division will pay for the background checks.

The bill is effective upon enactment.
[4/4: 49-0 (Vacant: Dix)]


HF 648 makes changes to Career and Technical Education. A 2016 bill added a work-based learning program to workers’ compensation so that students are protected in case of injury. Because workers’ compensation is the exclusive remedy for an injured worker, businesses are exempt from lawsuits. For purposes of work-based learning, accredited nonpublic schools, community colleges, and directors, officers and authorities in charge of a school are also exempt. This bill changes “school district” references to “corporation” to reflect group of schools involved work-based learning programs.

In addition, the way funds are distributed to Regional Planning Partnerships is changed from reimbursement to disbursement; federal Perkins dollars are permitted to flow through to FFA programs; and some consumable supplies may be purchased with partnership funds, such as feed for livestock.
[4/12: 47-0 (Excused: Bertrand, Zumbach; Vacant: Dix)]


HF 2480 creates a Manufactured Housing Program Fund within the Iowa Finance Authority (IFA). The fund will be used for mobile and manufactured homes on leased land (mobile home parks). Mobile homes on leased land will qualify for the Home Ownership Assistance Program for Military Members. The Fund will provide money to financial institutions to finance the purchase of manufactured homes by individuals. The bill authorizes IFA to transfer unobligated money from the Senior Living Revolving Loan Program Fund, Home and Community-Based Services Revolving Loan Program Fund, Transitional Housing Revolving Loan Program Fund, and Community Housing and Services for Persons with Disabilities Revolving Loan Program Fund from the prior fiscal year to this new fund. However, the maximum amount that may be transferred for any fiscal year must not exceed $1 million.
[4/11: 41-7 (No: Bolkcom, Boulton, Chelgren, Hogg, Jochum, Mathis, Petersen; Excused: Zumbach; Vacant: Dix)]


HF 2491 appropriates $38.8 million from the General Fund to the Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS), the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Iowa State University’s Veterinary Diagnostic Lab (VDL). This is an increase of $812,000 over the FY18 budget after the mid-year cuts, and $513,000 more than the original FY18 budget. It also appropriates $42 million from the Environment First Fund and more than $43.7 million from the Fish and Wildlife Trust Fund for conservation programs through the DNR.

Significant Funding Increases

Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship – There is a $382,763 increase for IDALS operations in the Republicans’ proposed Agriculture and Natural Resources budget over original FY18 appropriations. The bill also restores the $188,688 cut from de-appropriations earlier this year. This amount is $367,847 more than what IDALS was appropriated in FY 17 before the mid-year budget cuts passed last session.

Department of Natural Resources – $255,176 increase for operations over original FY18 appropriations. The bill also restores the $123,373 in de-appropriations earlier this year. This amount is still more than $1.3 million less than what DNR was appropriated in FY17 before the mid-year budget cuts passed in 2017.

Foreign Animal Disease Response Fund – The budget increases funding for Foreign Animal Disease response by $150,000, for a total of $250,000. This funding helps IDALS develop response and preparedness efforts for outbreaks of infectious animal diseases. IDALS, in cooperation with farm groups and the Livestock Health Advisory Council at Iowa State University, must develop measures to prepare for, prevent, control or eradicate foreign animal diseases for livestock in the state.

ISU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory – $100,000 increase for operations (not for needed infrastructure improvements).

Significant Cuts in Funding

Department of Natural Resources – $375,000 reduction from the revised FY17 funding level for floodplains management. However, this funding is backfilled by a new appropriation in the Environment First Fund.

Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) – The budget effectively reduces REAP by $2 million, a 16 percent cut over the previous year. Combined with the FY18 cut to REAP, the program has been reduced by 37.5 percent since FY17.

The impact of these reductions for the separate accounts under REAP since FY17 are:

  • Open spaces – $1.66 million (plus another $1 million diversion). Open spaces protects and develops Iowa’s public lands and waters. This account also pays property taxes owed to counties for land acquired by DNR.
  • County conservation boards – $1.2 million. County conservation boards compete for grants to develop programming and public areas under their control.
  • Soil and water conservation – $1.2 million. This money is divided between projects and practices. IDALS has used funding from this area in the past to support urban soil conservation and water quality projects.
  • City parks and open spaces – $891,000. Cities compete for grants to develop public areas and amenities that promote outdoor recreation and natural habitat.
  • DNR land management – $534,600. DNR uses these funds to manage state conservation lands and facilities.
  • Cultural Affairs – $297,000. Grants for historical preservation and country schools.
  • $3 million cut from REAP to pay for state park maintenance, repair and operations. REAP is a stand-alone program and should not be weakened so Republicans can minimize the damaging cuts in their budget. The program has brought together a broad coalition of hunting, fishing, conservation, recreation and environmental organizations committed to projects that improve Iowa’s quality of life. Diverting money from one portion of the program weakens its effectiveness as a way to invest in Iowa’s future.

Farm Management Demonstration program/Iowa Soybean Association – The budget eliminates a $375,000 appropriation in the Environment First Fund for the on-farm management demonstration program. The bill provides one-time funding of $100,000 from the Watershed Improvement fund to support current efforts. This money is allocated to the Iowa Soybean Association to support research on nutrient management and water quality. This helps drive policy decisions and assists farmers in making decisions for their own operations. Without this support the Soybean Association will need to reduce support for research into water quality practices that cannot be covered by checkoff funding, which is limited to research on soybeans only and does not allow them to explore how nutrient management decisions with other crops systems impact water quality.

Major Language Changes/Budget Concerns

Last year, this budget eliminated funding for the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University and severely curtailed its work. The center is widely known and a valuable tool to Iowans who want to develop local products and agriculture. The Leopold Center has helped establish local food networks and develop Iowa’s wine industry. The center also educates farmers on the importance of conservation practices and benefits of sustainable production.

Under this budget, support for agriculture and natural resources is $3.8 million less than originally appropriated for FY17 and has eliminated successful programs. Cooperation between agriculture and natural resources is needed to move our state forward. This budget continues to pit them against each other.

Finally, the bill contains Code language that completes the transfer of Geologic Survey responsibilities from DNR to the University of Iowa.
[5/1: 28-21 (No: Democrats, D. Johnson; Absent: Zumbach)]


HF 2492 is the Justice System appropriation bill, which appropriates $568,025,203 from the General Fund. This is $11,438,272 million over the adjusted estimated FY18 appropriation. The bill includes significant policy language, primarily from unsuccessful policy bills.

General Fund Appropriations

Attorney General

  • $13,615,145 for FY19. This is $480,533 less than the adjusted FY18 appropriation. The reduction is to the Attorney General’s office appropriation.
  • Victim Assistance Grants and Legal Services receive status quo funding.

Civil Rights

  • $1,198,266 appropriated for FY19. This is $51,635 over FY18.

Department of Corrections

  • $381,778,738 to the Department of Corrections, including Community Based Corrections for FY19. This is $7,483,271 over the adjusted (reduced) FY18 appropriation.
  • Money appropriated to DOC administration may be used for salary adjustment.
  • The line-item appropriations for the institutions and the Community Based Corrections Districts match the original FY18 appropriations.

Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (Division of the Department of Human Rights)

  • $1,209,410 for FY19. This is an increase of $32,267 over FY18.

State Public Defender

  • $26,505,299 to the State Public Defender’s Office. This is $559,097 above FY18.
  • $35,144,448 to Indigent Defense (monies paid to private attorneys who contract with the Public Defender’s office to do criminal defense work for indigent defendants.) This is status quo funding.

Iowa Law Enforcement Academy

  • $971,341 for FY19. This is $25,192 over FY18.
  • 1 additional FTE to work in the area of community outreach and be funded through tuition from the increased number of classes. Subject areas would include Blue Courage and Officer Resilience, Crisis Intervention and Mental Health Training, Community Outreach and Executive Leadership Training, Cyber Crimes Training, and Technology and Computer Training.

Board of Parole

  • $1,221,374 for FY19. This is $29,643 over FY18.

Department of Public Defense

  • $6,334,961 for FY19. This is an increase of $170,830 over FY18.

Department of Public Safety

  • $98,304,742 for FY19. This is $3,447,655 over FY18. The increase is divided between these divisions:
    • Public Safety Administration – $400,000 increase. The money can be used for salary adjustment.
    • Department of Criminal Investigation – $400,000 increase. DCI will use up to $200,000 of the FY19 appropriation to employ 3 FTEs to assist in processing and analyzing DNA evidence.
    • Crime Lab – $347,655 increase
    • Narcotics Enforcement – $200,000 increase
    • Undercover Funds – $100,000 increase
    • Fire Marshal – $200,000 increase. Requires the DPS Commissioner to appoint an administrator for the Fire Service Training Bureau.
    • State Patrol – $1.8 million increase, which allows them to conduct an academy.

Homeland Security

  • $2,123,610 for FY19. This is $20,813 over FY18.

New Miscellaneous Non-General Fund Appropriations

  • $300,000 from the AG’s Consumer Education and Litigation Fund for farm mediation services and $1.5 million from the fund for AG salaries, support, maintenance and miscellaneous purposes for criminal prosecutions, appeals and defending tort claims against the state.

Language Changes and Additions

  • The state auditor will identify sources and uses of the AG’s discretionary funds, including settlement funds.
  • Adds 3 FTEs for DCI to assist in expediting DNA analyses.
  • Creates a Public Safety Support Trust Fund so that DPS may accept donations, grants, loans and contributions from any public or private source.
  • Requires the Public Safety Commissioner to appoint an administrator of the Fire Service Training Bureau.
  • Prohibits DOC from using any appropriated funds to distribute or make available to offenders any sexually explicit material or material featuring nudity. The language replaces the Code language establishing prison reading rooms.
  • Increases small claims court jurisdiction from $5,000 to $6,500.
  • Prohibits the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) in, on or above any county jail, municipal holding facility, juvenile detention facility, CBC facility, DOC institution or grounds surrounding any of those facilities. The criminal penalty is a “D” felony. From HF 2154, which did not come out of the House.
  • Requires the Judicial Branch along with CJJP, CBCs and DOC to study the effectiveness of specialty courts and recidivism rates for participants.
  • Pre-trial Risk Assessment. Prohibits the use of the Public Safety Assessment and this section is effective upon enactment. – ITEM VETO
    [5/4: 27-20 (No: Democrats; Absent: Chelgren, D. Johnson, Sinclair)]


HF 2493 appropriates $40.2 million from the General Fund to the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA), the Iowa Finance Authority (IFA), the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) and Iowa Workforce Development (IWD). This is an increase of $2.1 million over FY18 after mid-year cuts, $1.8 million more than the original FY18 budget, but $2.9 million LESS than original FY17.

The bill also appropriates $26.8 million from other funds. The biggest difference is in the amount of Skilled Worker and Job Creation funds appropriated to the High Quality Jobs Program at IEDA. The Iowa Board of Regents receives appropriations from Skilled Workers and Job Creation Fund.

General Fund Details

Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) – DCC is increased $156,000 over revised FY18.

  • DCA did not receive a mid-year cut in FY18.
  • Biggest increases:
    • A general increase of $50,000 to the Historical Division.
    • A general increase of $50,000 for Cultural Trust Grants.

Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) – An increase of $1.2 million over revised FY18. Of that, $1 million is for a new program.

  • New Appropriation/Future Ready Iowa line item: $1 million for a new Registered Apprenticeship Development Program to encourage small to mid-sized businesses to start or expand registered apprenticeships. The policy was approved in HF 2458, the Future Ready Iowa bill.
  • The general line item for Economic Development is increased by $171,339 over revised FY18, $13,379 over original FY18.

Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) – Status quo funding ($658,000) for the Home and Community-Based Services Rent Subsidy Program that provides rent assistance to those on one of the Medicaid Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) Waivers. Language is updated to conform to HF 586, which was enacted in 2017, and Iowa Code section 16.55.

Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) – $1.5 million and 11 FTEs, and an increase of $150,000 and 1 FTE. PERB has needed funding and staff since implementation of HF 291, which gutted Collective Bargaining rights and increased PERB’s workload.

Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) – $596,960 more than estimated net FY18. There are two new line items for IWD.

  • New Appropriation/Future Ready Iowa line item: $250,000 for a new Summer Youth Intern Pilot Program to help young people at risk of not graduating from high school explore and prepare for high-demand careers through summer work experience and developing soft skills. The policy was approved in HF 2458, the Future Ready Iowa bill. This was in the Governor’s budget proposal.
  • New Appropriation/Future Ready Iowa line item: $150,000 and 1 FTE for a Future Ready Iowa Coordinator who has already hired at IWD. The position has been funded out of IWD’s Special Employment Security Contingency Fund (sometimes known as “P and I” fund). This was in the Governor’s budget proposal.
  • $50,000 increase to the Offender Reentry Program and 1 FTE. IWD will use some of the state funds along with federal funds for a workforce advisor in the Fort Dodge correctional facility. Workforce advisors are already onsite at Mitchellville, Newton and Rockwell City prisons.
  • Labor Services, Workers’ Compensation and field offices receive some increases.

Other Funds – $26.8 million, $1.2 million less than FY17.

  • $1.8 million from the Special Employment Security Contingency Fund (P and I) to IWD field offices. Status quo.
  • $1.6 million from the UI Reserve Interest for IWD field offices, an increase of $540,000 over FY18, reflecting higher interest rates.
  • $23.5 million from the Skilled Worker and Job Creation Fund (SWJCF) to various departments. SF 2117, FY18 mid-year cuts, transferred $10 million from the High Quality Jobs Program to the General Fund.
  • $13.65 million for the High Quality Jobs Program at IEDA, $2.25 million less than original FY18, and $1 million to STEM scholarships.
  • $100,000 to AMOs Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy, working training for Central Iowa.
  • $8.7 million to Iowa State, University of Northern Iowa and the University of Iowa for their various economic development programs (status quo). This includes funding to the Iowa Small Business Development Centers.

Unemployment Insurance Modernization

Allows IWD to use $39.2 million from the federal Assistance for Unemployment Workers and Struggling Families Act of 2009 for a new integrated Unemployment Insurance System. Of that, $9.6 million was authorized in 2017. This will implement the system and cover costs throughout the vender contract. The federal funds can be used only for three purposes:

  • Modernizing unemployment insurance systems.
  • Administering costs for unemployment insurance programs and field offices.
  • Unemployment insurance benefits.

Other New Language

  • Requires IEDA and the Department of Revenue to submit a joint annual report by November 1 on all financial assistance awards, including loans, forgivable loans, tax credits, tax exemptions, tax refunds and grants (page 7, line 30 to page 8, line 14 of the bill).
  • Permanently reduces gambling receipts that go into the Skilled Worker Job Creation Fund, taking it from $66 million to $63.75 million. The $2.25 million is permanently diverted into the General Fund.
  • Disqualifies an individual from receiving employment benefits until full repayment has been made for any benefits they received due to misrepresentation, as requested by IWD. This was inadvertently left out of HF 2321.
  • Defines “insurance” and “insurer” for the purposes of insurance fraud. “Insurer” includes an insurer that issues a self-insured business for purposes of workers’ compensation liability.
  • Requires an independent financial investigation and sexual harassment investigation of IFA. Investigators must submit reports summarizing findings to the Legislature by December 1, 2019.
    [5/4: 27-20 (No: Democrats; Absent: Chelgren, D. Johnson, Sinclair)]


HF 2494 appropriates $380.8 million for FY19 to the Department of Transportation (DOT). This includes $51 million from the Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) and $329.8 million from the Primary Road Fund (PRF) within RUTF. The RUTF is funded from motor vehicle fuel taxes on gasoline, ethanol and diesel; motor vehicle registration fees; title and driver’s license fees; and taxes on motor vehicle sales. The fund is constitutionally protected and can only be spent on construction, maintenance and supervision of Iowa public highways. The bill includes organizational changes within the DOT.

Highlights include:

  • “Performance and Technology” is now “Strategic Performance.”
  • “Operations” line-item is now “Administrative Services.”
  • Seven employees have been moved to the Strategic Performance Division (one from the Planning, Programming and Modal Division and six from Administrative Services Division).
  • Motor Vehicle Enforcement Officers and their funding are moved from the Motor Vehicles Division to the Highway Division.
  • RUTF appropriation of $497,191 and PRF appropriation of $3,054,172 for the Statewide Interoperable Communications System. This will support the DOT’s portion of the lease payment and maintenance of the system along with tower rental payments to Iowa Public Television. Previous payments have been funded by RIIF and by the E911 Fund.
  • $242,000 from PRF to produced 1,400,000 state maps in FY19 and FY20. Maps are funded every other year.
  • New: $1.8 million from PRF to renovate the existing Waterloo maintenance facility. The project includes replacing radiant heat and upgrading the electrical system; new garage roof; adding a mechanics bay; improving drainage; and remodeling for ADA compliance.
  • Extends authorization of motor vehicle enforcement officers from July 1, 2018, to July 1, 2019.
  • Allows students ages 14 to 18 who attend an accredited non-public school to apply for a special driving permit, consistent with provisions for public schools [Special minors’ licenses – school permits]. The licensee may operate a motor vehicle between 5 a.m. and 10 p.m. to attend class, and participate in extracurricular activities at school or at a site or facility designated by the school, over the most direct and accessible route, if the driving distance between the point of origin and destination is no more than 25 miles.
    [5/1: 34-15 (Yes: Republicans, Allen, Bisignano, Kinney, Lykam, Mathis, Ragan; Absent: Zumbach)]


HF 2495, the FY19 Judicial Branch appropriations bill, appropriates $180.7 million from the General Fund to the Judicial Branch. This includes $177.6 million for operations, an increase of $3.5 million over estimated net FY18; and $3.1 million to the Jury and Witness Fee Revolving Fund (no change compared to estimated net FY18). No new language in the bill.
[5/1: 28-21 (No: Democrats, D. Johnson; Absent: Zumbach)]


HF 2502 makes adjustments to various General Fund standing appropriations, a decrease of $29.2 million for FY19. Appropriations for standings are approximately $3.9 billion.

Division I: Standings Appropriations and Related Matters

Legislative Branch: Reduces the standing appropriation by $1.4 million, which brings total appropriations for the Legislature to $35.3 million, an increase of $3.7 million over net FY18. The Legislature cannot use the money for annual membership dues to organization and costs associated with out-of-state travel.

Instructional Support Program: Suspends the standing appropriation of $14.8 million to the Department of Education. School districts may use local propriety taxes and income surtaxes to fund their portion of the Program. State funding for this program has not been provided since FY11.

Cash Reserve Fund Appropriation: Amends the 2017 Acts, adding another $2 million to the Cash Reserve Fund (total $113 million). This ensures the Fund will be full in FY19.

State School Aid and AEA funding: Reduces FY19 State School Aid to Area Education Agencies (AEAs) by an additional $15 million, for a total reduction of $22.5 million.

Taxpayer Trust Fund: Beginning on July 1, 2018, any unobligated money in the Taxpayer Trust Fund is transferred to the General Fund ($8.3 million).

Salary Model: Directs the Salary Model Administrator to work with Legislative Services Agency (LSA) to maintain the State’s salary model. Various departments must submit salary data to the Department of Management and LSA.

Division II: Miscellaneous Provisions and Appropriations

Mental Health, Complex Service Needs Workgroup: Restores language pertaining to county mental health fund balances, which was inadvertently struck in HF 2456. Beginning in FY22, counties are limited to a fund balance reserved for cash flow of 20 percent of gross expenditures if the region has a population equal to or greater than 100,000, or 25 percent of gross expenditures if the region has a population of fewer than 100,000. Counties must reduce their levies by the excess cash flow amount.

Transfer from Cash Reserve: Makes inapplicable a provision in SF 516 (the 2017 Standing Appropriations bill) requiring a transfer from the General Fund to the Cash Reserve Fund if its balance was below the statutory maximum of 7.5 percent of the adjusted revenue estimate at the close of the previous fiscal year. It was at 5.7 percent, and $131 million was transferred.

School District Program Funding Flexibility: Changes the Department of Education’s limitation on guidance and interpretations in HF 2441 from July 1, 2018, to effective upon enactment (April 11, 2018).

Date Change for De-appropriations (SF 2117): Corrects a date associated with a $13 million Economic Emergency Fund appropriation for FY17.

Division III: Corrective Provisions – Makes corrective changes identified by LSA to numerous bills passed and signed by the Governor this year.

Division IV – Land Acquisition and Inventory, DNR report: By December 1, 2018, DNR must report financial assistance to private entities for land acquisition, including their name, amount of assistance, location and description of the land, and the conservation benefit provided by the land. DNR must report an inventory of properties they own or manage, including the location and size of tracts that were conveyed to cities or counties over the last 20 years. EPC cannot approve a contract or obligate funds from the Water Pollution Control Works Revolving Loan Fund for financial assistance to acquire new land.

Division V – Geological Survey Name Change: Amends HF 2491, the Ag and Natural Resources budget, by striking “Geographical and Water Geological” from the University of Iowa Program, as requested by UI.

Division VI – Podiatry: Allows licensed podiatrists to serve as expert witnesses in a medical malpractice claim.

Division VII – Cattle Guards: Makes corrections to SF 449, by grandfathering in cattle guards installed on or before April 25, 2018, effective upon enactment and retroactive to April 17, 2018.

Division VIII – Dram Shop: Implements changes requested by LSA on ambiguity of the cap on non-economic damages, so as not to be perceived to be the cap on all recoverable damages. It also states that the liability insurance evaluation will be done by the Insurance Division, not the Alcoholic Beverages Division.

Division IX – Alcohol unopened containers: There are three changes/clarifications to alcohol regulation:

  • Clarifies that all liquor license holders must purchase alcohol in unopened containers from class E facilities. This codifies current practice across different classes of licensees.
  • Makes E liquor control licensees that are also a grocery store of at least 5,000 square feet exempt from “unopened container” restrictions, per their E class liquor license. This allows restaurants within grocery stores to serve alcohol for consumption on the premises.
  • Allows open containers to be carried from one establishment (bar) to an adjacent licensed or permitted premises. This accommodates community festivals and street fairs, without jeopardizing their license.

Division X – Sexually Violent Predators: Allows for a sexually violent predator to waive their 60-day final hearing requirement, and allows documents under seal to be available to the prosecuting attorney, AG and committed person or their attorney without a court order.

Division XI – Earned Time: If an imprisoned offender is required to participate in sex-offender or domestic-abuse programming but refuses, they lose all earned time. A court decision had allowed them to keep earned time up to the point they refuse to participate or fail to complete the programming. Language is from SF 2356, which passed the Senate 50-0.

Division XII – Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWA): MEWAs were part of SF 2349. The language requires those forming a MEWA to be a non-profit entity, repeals the emergency rulemaking authority and exempts MEWAs from complying with Department of Labor changes. MEWAs registered before January 1, 2018, are not considered a MEWA unless all members elect to be treated as such. – ITEM VETO

Division XIIIS – Self-Promotion (Advertising)-Public Funds: Prevents certain public officials (statewide elected officials and members of the Legislature) from using public dollars for self-promotion in an official capacity. This is modified language from HF 2469.

Division XIV – Lease-Purchase Contracts: Makes changes to HF 2253 to exempt a city with a population of less than 21,000 as of 2016. The exemption is for limitations on the use of lease purchase agreements. We believe this is designed to help the city of  Johnston.

Division XV – Maximum Gross Weight Construction vehicles: Removes the requirement that a large-weight vehicle get pre-approval on their route. The vehicle must still comply with weight requirements when crossing a bridge.

Division XVI – Local Ordinances: Removes unnecessary references to the law on marketing consumer merchandise.

Division XVII – Health Care Coverage for Surviving Spouse and Children: Requires the continuation of existing health care coverage or re-enrollment for surviving spouse and surviving children of an eligible peace officer of fire fighter. The city or county may pay the cost of the coverage. Otherwise the surviving spouse may pay.

Division XVIII – Priority/preference for scholarships under the All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Fund is given to children of peace officers and firefighters who were killed in the line of duty. Foster children would still be given first priority.

Division XIX – Credit Unions: Prohibits a credit union from using the name of an Iowa public university. This is aimed at the University of Iowa Credit Union and goes into effect April 30, 2019. It also changes who collects the Moneys and Credits Tax on Credit Unions by switching it from the locality to the Department of Revenue.

Division XX – Rock Island Arsenal: Allows students who live on the Rock Island Arsenal to attend public school in Scott County. The student would be counted as an Iowa resident for purposes of school aid.

Division XXI – Crime Lab: Allows the Criminalistics Laboratory Fund to purchase lab supplies.

Division XXII – Iowa Energy Center: Scoops the remittance that goes to the Iowa Energy Center and moves it to the General Fund. This works out to $1.28 million in FY20, $2.91 million in FY21, and $3.53 million in FY22. The Iowa Energy Center would then get $2.85 million in FY20, $1.22 million in FY21, and $632,301 in FY22.

Division XXIII – Tribal ID: Allows a tribal identification card from a federally recognized Native American tribe to be used for Voter ID if the card or document is signed before it is presented to an election official.

Division XXIV – Wind Energy Conversion Property: Prevents the commercial property tax rollback from 2013 from applying to new wind energy installations. New installations will pay a higher property tax.

Division XXV – Revocation of Driver’s License for Drug-Related Convictions: Removes Code language that requires the DOT to revoke drivers’ licenses of those convicted of controlled substances violations that are unrelated to driving. In addition, those who previously had their licenses revoked will get them reinstated. The effective date of this division depends on the Legislature passing a Resolution indicating it does not want to revoke drivers’ licenses for drug offense and the Governor sending the US Secretary of Transportation a certification that she does not want to revoke drivers’ licenses for drug offenses. The Legislature has passed the Resolution; the Governor must now do her part. These moves ensure Iowa will continue to get highway money. This is based on SF 2382, which passed the Senate on February 28, 47-2, with Hogg and Taylor voting “no” and Bisignano excused.
[5/5: 30-17 (Yes: Most Republicans, Bisignano, Bowman, Kinney, Taylor; No: Most Democrats, Greene, D. Johnson; Excused: Bertrand, Chelgren, Hart)]