More Medicaid mess: Iowans lose access to dental care

The Medicaid privatization disaster is getting even worse with the decision by UI’s College of Dentistry to stop taking new adult Medicaid patients. Oral health is the number one unmet need in Iowa adults.

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release:  June 29, 2018  

Statement from Sen. Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City
on latest evidence that Medicaid privatization is a disaster 

“The Medicaid privatization disaster just got much, much worse with the decision by the University of Iowa’s College of Dentistry to stop taking new adult Medicaid patients starting July 1.

“Oral health is the number one unmet need in Iowa adults. The College of Dentistry has stepped up to meet this need by being the provider of dental care to more than 8,000 adult Medicaid patients.

“The decision by Governor Reynolds and her profit-making, out-of-state MCOs to lower reimbursements, delay payments and create mounds of red tape has made it extremely difficult for dentists and the College of Dentistry to continue to serve patients in need of dental care.

“Governor Reynolds, Senate Republican Leader Jack Whitver and House Speaker Linda Upmeyer need to show leadership by pulling the plug on a privatization effort that has failed Medicaid members, health care providers and taxpayers.”

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