Putting unconstitutional law on hold is good news for Iowa

Governor Reynolds and other Iowa Republican politicians sent a horrible message to everyone in the United States when they passed this unconstitutional law.  This dangerous law devalues women and girls and would further reduce access to quality, affordable health care across our state.

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release:  June 1, 2018  

Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen
on injunction to halt implementation of 6-week abortion ban

“Governor Reynolds and other Iowa Republican politicians sent a horrible message to everyone in the United States when they passed this unconstitutional law.  This dangerous law devalues women and girls and would further reduce access to quality, affordable health care across our state.

“Governor Reynolds and other Republican politicians in the Statehouse have no right to dictate personal, private decisions that Iowa women should make about their own health care. They are not health care experts.

“Their law is dangerous.

“Their law is unconstitutional.

“Their law devalues Iowa women.

“Thanks to Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, the Emma Goldman Clinic and ACLU of Iowa for standing up for the rights of Iowa women, especially those living in small towns and rural parts of our state. They are doing a great job protecting the rights and health care decisions of Iowa families.”

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