What Iowans are saying

Iowans want decent-paying jobs, affordable health care and the chance to lead a good life. In recent years, however, we’ve seen stagnant wages, rising health care costs and more Iowans living paycheck to paycheck. Iowans deserve better. In a survey earlier this session, Senate Democrats asked what you think can ...

Iowans want decent-paying jobs, affordable health care and the chance to lead a good life. In recent years, however, we’ve seen stagnant wages, rising health care costs and more Iowans living paycheck to paycheck. Iowans deserve better.

In a survey earlier this session, Senate Democrats asked what you think can best help everyday Iowans. The table below summarizes your top responses.

Many Iowans also shared their thoughts on how we can move Iowa forward. Here’s a sample of what you had to say:

  • Jobs – “Iowans I know are working two or more jobs without healthcare benefits to stay afloat. They live paycheck to paycheck with no financial reserves for something as basic as a car repair or an unexpected illness. Thousands of Iowans are barely surviving financially rather than living this wonderful middle class life we keep hearing about. This is true throughout the state and is deeply felt in rural Iowa.” –Mary from Ottumwa
  • Worker training – “Keep improving our community colleges, to expand the trade programs. Our state needs trained workers to fill jobs that are screaming for applicants.” –Ron from Eldridge
  • Rural Iowa – “We need to have more industry of all kinds and technology jobs in rural areas to improve economies of small towns so that people are not moving away to cities and out of state.” -Linda from Spencer
  • Health care – “I hear on a regular basis how parents have had to quit jobs to take care of disabled children. Patients are having to forgo medication because insurance won’t pay for it even if they have tried other medications or been on the medications for years.” –Melissa from Coralville
  • Education – “I’m a parent with a child in kindergarten and I substitute for the same school district, and from both sides, I can see the need to give more funds in education. Our children are the future, we should be giving them the best education we can and paying teacher’s a better wage too for all they deal with.” –Lisa from Clinton

Thank you to all who offered their input. I am committed to Putting Iowans First by focusing on our shared values of fairness, compassion, dignity, equality and liberty.

Please continue giving your feedback to ensure we do all we can to help you, your family and your community. Working together, we can get Iowa back on the right track.