Statement: Republican politicians have done harm to all Iowa workers

Senate Democrats continue to believe that all Iowa workers deserve respect, dignity and the right to bargain for health and safety protections. We will always stand side by side with ISEA, AFSCME and other unions who continue to stand up for the rights of public employees across the state.

Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on Iowa Supreme Court decisions

“By taking away the rights of teachers, firefighters, nurses, correctional officers and other public servants, Republican politicians have done harm to all Iowa workers. Working Iowa men and women are the real victims of the assault by the Branstad/Reynolds Administration and Republican-controlled Legislature.

“Chief Justice Cady got it right when he said the law stripping workers of their rights ‘offends our constitution.’

“Senate Democrats continue to believe that all Iowa workers deserve respect, dignity and the right to bargain for health and safety protections. We will always stand side by side with ISEA, AFSCME and other unions who continue to stand up for the rights of public employees across the state.”