The Iowa Attorney General’s office recently established a new toll-free hotline for adult survivors to report child sexual abuse.
This is an important step to ensure that survivors of child sex abuse get the justice they deserve. Iowans will be safer when we know the truth about sex offenders among us and better understand how to prevent child sex abuse.
You can help by promoting this hotline so that more survivors know that they can seek justice.
I encourage you to distribute information about the hotline — 855-620-7000 – to your employees, stakeholders and clients/customers, and any other Iowans that you connect with. Spread the word via:
- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media
- Websites
- Bulletin boards
- Staff meetings
- Any public meetings
- Public service announcements
Feel free to download and use this flyer and social media graphic!
It’s going to take a team effort by religious organizations, nonprofits, governmental agencies, businesses and news media to get the word out. I appreciate anything you can do to ensure more adult survivors of child sexual abuse know there is help and hope.