Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release: September 4, 2019
Senator Liz Mathis receives “2019 Legislative Friend of Housing” Award

CEDAR RAPIDS: Today State Senator Liz Mathis of Hiawatha received the 2019 “Legislative Friend of Housing” award at the statewide 2019 Housing Iowa Conference currently being held in Cedar Rapids.
The award recognizes “a legislator who has actively participated in committees involving affordable housing legislation, has developed strong grass roots initiatives and makes improving the lives of Iowans through affordable housing an integral part of his/her legislative work.”*
“There are few things more important in life than a home that is safe and affordable,” Mathis said. “Iowa communities both large and small struggle to provide families with high quality, affordable places to live. In the State Senate, I’ve focused on housing because solving this problem will help our children succeed, help businesses grow, and improve the lives of Iowa seniors.
The specific work that led to Mathis’ nomination included:
- Helping lead the restoration of flooded Cedar Rapids homes.
- Expanding affordable housing for workers after the floods.
- Working to restore single-family housing in a core neighborhood that was under stress.
- Organizing a state-wide tour of affordable housing in the cities of Dubuque, Des Moines and Carroll.
Housing legislation Senator Mathis helped pass or fund include: the State Housing Trust Fund, the Workforce Housing Tax Credit, the creation of a new state income tax exemption for deposits in a First-time Homebuyer Savings Account, Workforce Housing Set-Asides for Iowa’s smaller communities, the Home Ownership Assistance Program for military service members and veterans, and Redevelopment Tax Credits.
Senator Mathis is the ranking member of the Human Resources Committee and Ag & Natural Resources Budget. She also serves on the Agriculture, Appropriations, Commerce and Ethics committees. Additional information and photos of Senator Mathis can be found at