Bipartisan State Legislators to Seek Public Comment from Residents of Iowa Manufactured Housing Communities and Discuss Comprehensive Reforms
“Iowa law should treat residents of manufactured housing with dignity and respect. Earlier this year, Democrats and Republicans came together to take the first steps in the right direction, and now it’s time to finish that bipartisan work.”
DES MOINES—In light of widespread reports earlier this year of double-digit increases in rent by out-of-state landlords for residents of Iowa manufactured housing communities, a bipartisan group of Iowa lawmakers is seeking public input on proposed changes to Iowa law overseeing manufactured housing communities, also known as “mobile home parks.”
A meeting to gather public input on proposed reforms will be held on Saturday, December 14, at the Iowa Statehouse. The meeting will take place in Room 103 of the Statehouse, the original chambers of the Iowa Supreme Court. The session will begin at 1 PM and end at 3:45 PM. Iowa legislators from both political parties and both the Iowa House and Senate, as well as representatives from the office of Governor Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Finance Authority, will attend the Saturday meeting.
Residents, landlords, and experts have been invited, and lawmakers have been informed that residents of manufactured housing from across Iowa plan to attend.
Compared to residents of other states, Iowans living in manufactured homes on rented plots of land lack the basic protections that traditional renters have. In recent years, out-of-state companies looking for quick profits have bought up Iowa manufactured home parks and sharply increased the rent. Earlier this year, double-digit rent increases as high as 69% were widely reported by the press. In response, legislation to improve the rights of manufactured housing residents was approved unanimously by the Iowa Senate.
“Iowa law should treat residents of manufactured housing (i.e. ‘mobile homes’) with dignity and respect. Earlier this year, Democrats and Republicans came together to take the first steps in the right direction, and now it’s time to finish that bipartisan work,” said Senator Zach Wahls of Coralville. “Iowa law should protect those who have worked hard for their piece of the American Dream from predatory out-of-state landlords taking advantage of Iowa’s unequal protection for manufactured housing residents.”
To reserve a time to speak at the Saturday, December 14th meeting, Iowans are encouraged (but not required) to contact legislative staffer Rusty Martin at 515-418-8709 or via email at
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