End-of-Session Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen

Instead of relying on ribbon-cutting rhetoric and mystery data, Republican leaders should have listened to Iowans and worked in a bipartisan manner.

End-of-Session Statement by Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen

“When the 2020 session reconvened, Iowans were focused on the Legislature accomplishing two goals: Passing a balanced budget and improving the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“While they passed a budget in the middle of the night, the Republican-controlled Legislature failed to take any meaningful steps to make Iowans safer during this pandemic. In fact, they took away the rights of workers, residents of long-term care facilities and others hurt or killed by COVID-19.

“Instead of relying on ribbon-cutting rhetoric and mystery data, Republican leaders should have listened to Iowans and worked in a bipartisan manner to:

  • Protect the health and safety of ALL Iowans.
  • Stabilize basic economic security needs of Iowa families.
  • Create an Iowa-focused economic recovery plan.

“The Republican-controlled Legislature took no action to address this crisis. It’s clearly time for new leadership in Iowa.”

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