Local Government – All-Bill Summary 2020

All bills assigned to the Senate Local Government Committee, passed by the Legislature and sent to the Governor for her signature in 2020.

HF 2477 – Permits for agricultural experiences

HF 2477 allows educational events and community experiences, such as school visits and farm-to-table dinners on agricultural land without a local government permit. Some counties had required $250 permits for each type of event.
[3/4: 45-3 (No: Bolkcom, Petersen, Quirmbach; Excused: Kraayenbrink, Wahls)]

HF 2481 — Certificates of the Treasurer

HF 2481 causes a certificate of the treasurer to expire upon the next annual certification of taxes. An expired certificate is not an acceptable document to present the recorder for recording.
[6/10: 50-0]

HF 2512 — Agriculture building fee and other county zoning laws

HF 2512 makes changes to county zoning ordinances. It eliminates the requirement for a zoning application, approval and fee for an ordinance to be considered inapplicable to land, farm barns, farm outbuildings or other buildings primarily used for agricultural purposes. Counties can still require application for housing in unincorporated areas. Land enrolled in a soil conservation program or water conservation program qualifies for the agricultural exemption.
[3/4: 37-11 (Yes: Republicans, Boulton, Giddens, Hogg, Kinney; Excused: Rozenboom, Wahls)]

SF 2025 – Joint county engineers

SF 2025 eliminates the requirement that sharing of a county engineer must be between adjacent counties.
[2/24: 48-0 (Excused: Feenstra, Shipley)]

SF 2195 – Elevators in multi-story commercial buildings

SF 2195 eliminates the requirement for a commercial elevator in a two-story building when the owner owns both the commercial first floor and the residential second floor. This bill is specific to federally designated historic districts. The owner must disclose the residential elevator when selling the property.
[2/26: 49-0 (Excused: R. Taylor)]

SF 2361 – Emergency management mutual aid compact

SF 2361 allows the Iowa Mutual Aid Compact (IMAC) to be used across all political subdivisions as originally intended. This will include all political subdivisions as members of the compact, though it further restricts members to county board of supervisors, mayor, and emergency management coordinator or designee. This is a priority of the Emergency Management Association.
[6/13: 49-0 (Excused: Hogg)]