Statement on Gov’s executive order on schools

Iowa schools are being forced into difficult choices between in-person learning and the health and safety of students and staff. Only when we get serious about knocking down this virus can our kids have a quality education and a safe school environment.

Statement from Sen. Herman Quirmbach, Ranking Member of the Senate Education Committee, on Governor’s latest Executive Order

“Iowa schools are being forced into difficult choices between in-person learning and the health and safety of students and staff.  The reason is that Governor Reynolds is losing the battle against COVID-19, making it more difficult for local school districts to protect Iowa schoolchildren, teachers, and other school employees and still achieve quality education.

“The Governor is continuing to ignore science, common sense, and the health and safety of Iowans.  Infection rates in Iowa are rising again.  The Governor has ignored CDC guidelines regarding proper business opening timelines and has denied local governments the ability to correct her mistakes and meet the needs of their communities.

“Instead of making the same kind of mistakes that states like Florida have made — where nearly 1/3 of school kids are now testing positive — the Governor should focus on providing widespread COVID-19 testing and robust contact tracing across the state.  Only when we get serious about knocking down this virus can our kids have a quality education and a safe school environment.”