Statement on Governor’s latest COVID steps

Governor Reynolds’ latest steps to fight COVID are like buying a smoke detector after your house is blazing out of control. If the Governor had listened from day one to health care experts – including the White House Coronavirus Task Force – more Iowans would be alive today and the Iowa economy would be rebounding.

Statement from Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen 

“Governor Reynolds’ latest steps to fight COVID are like buying a smoke detector after your house is blazing out of control. 

“Iowa has one of the highest positivity rates in the nation, making more schools unsafe to hold in-person classes. Hospitals are above capacity for COVID and non-COVID patients. Iowans are finding it difficult to impossible to get tested for COVID. And the death count is spiking. 

“For eight months, Governor Reynolds has unilaterally led a COVID strategy,  damaging the Iowa economy and leaving business owners and workers at her mercy. If the Governor had listened from day one to health care experts – including the White House Coronavirus Task Force – more Iowans would be alive today and the Iowa economy would be rebounding.”
