Statement on the latest REC estimates

Governor Reynolds and the Republican-controlled Legislature have taken a hands-off approach to boosting economic opportunities to Iowans during the pandemic. Fortunately, the American Rescue Plan will bring much needed relief to Iowa businesses, workers, schools, local governments and other sectors of the economy.

Statement by State Senator Joe Bolkcom, ranking member on Senate Appropriations Committee

“The latest revenue estimates are more confirmation that the American Rescue Plan will bring much needed relief to Iowa businesses, workers, schools, local governments and other sectors of the economy. Help is on the way and Iowans know it! 

“While Governor Reynolds and the Republican-controlled Legislature have taken a hands-off approach to boosting economic opportunities to Iowans during the pandemic, Senate Democrats are ready to build on the American Rescue Plan. At the state level, we can do more to ensure more efficient distribution of vaccines, provide more support for Iowa businesses, and protect the rights of workers hit hard by the pandemic.”