Iowans support fair, non-partisan maps

Iowa citizens have had their say on the first redistricting map. At both the federal and state levels, the districts have nearly the same number of voters and follow local government boundaries when possible. Iowans overwhelmingly support fair, non-partisan maps, and they don’t want politicians making changes to benefit one side or the other.

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release: September 23, 2021

“Iowans overwhelmingly support fair, non-partisan maps, and they don’t want politicians making changes to benefit one side or the other.”

Statement by State Senator Janet Petersen of Des Moines:

“Iowa citizens have had their say on the first redistricting map. 

“At both the federal and state levels, the districts have nearly the same number of voters and follow local government boundaries when possible.

“Iowans overwhelmingly support fair, non-partisan maps, and they don’t want politicians making changes to benefit one side or the other.”

“For 40 years, Iowa has shown every other state how to do redistricting fairly, without partisan gerrymandering.  Iowa voters pick their politicians; politicians don’t get to pick their voters.

“Other states, red and blue, should follow Iowa’s lead.

“The Legislature should do what we did last time.  Approve the new maps and move forward.”
