Economy recovering thanks to Biden, Dems

Pres. Biden & Congressional Democrats provided much-needed help to Iowans through the ARP. Statehouse Republicans want to give more tax cuts for the wealthiest few. We support tax cuts for hard-working families–those who need the relief. We oppose more state handouts & sweetheart deals for Gov. Reynolds’ financial donors & friends.

Response to today’s state revenue estimates by Senator Joe Bolkcom, ranking member, Senate Appropriations Committee:

“President Biden and Congressional Democrats provided much-needed help to Iowa families and businesses through the American Rescue Plan, and by leading the fight against the pandemic.

“Kim Reynolds and Jack Whitver want to give more tax cuts for the wealthiest few.

“Iowa Senate Democrats support tax cuts for hard-working families, the Iowans who need and deserve the relief. We oppose more state handouts and sweetheart deals for Governor Reynolds’ financial donors and friends.”