New butchery funding is good for rural economy

New Butchery Innovation & Revitalization grants, approved by the Legislature this year, will create good jobs and ensure fresh, healthy food moves seamlessly from farm to table.

Statement by Senator Kevin Kinney, an Oxford farmer and ranking member on the Agriculture Committee

“Iowa’s meat processors are a key link in getting food seamlessly from farm to table. They ensure families can find fresh, healthy meat on their grocery store shelves, and that farmers have options for getting their livestock to market.

“The new Butchery Innovation & Revitalization grants will enhance local locker operations and create good rural jobs that help feed all Iowans, our country and the world.”

About the Butchery Innovation and Revitalization Program

Beginning Monday, Oct. 18, Iowans can apply for funding through the new Butchery Innovation and Revitalization program opens Monday, October 18.  

The program to strengthen Iowa’s food supply chain and rural development won unanimous approval in the Legislature earlier this year (HF 857).

Grants of up to $50,000 will help Iowa butchers and meat processors with fewer than 50 employees. 

Funding can be used to:

  • Rent or purchase facilities and equipment to expand capacity.
  • Start, expand or upgrade a small-scale meat processing operation, custom locker or mobile slaughter unit.

For complete details on the program and how to apply, go to