More GOP Corporate Giveaways Will Worsen Workforce Crisis

(12/13/2021) Statement from Sen. Joe Bolkcom, Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, on Revenue Estimating Conference projections “The latest revenue picture kicks the door down for the Legislature to finally do something about Governor Reynolds’ growing workforce crisis. Iowa workers deserve our respect and support. We must do more ...

(12/13/2021) Statement from Sen. Joe Bolkcom, Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, on Revenue Estimating Conference projections

“The latest revenue picture kicks the door down for the Legislature to finally do something about Governor Reynolds’ growing workforce crisis. Iowa workers deserve our respect and support. We must do more to put more money in their pockets.

“Contrary to what the Governor and legislative Republicans are saying, more corporate tax giveaways and tax cuts for Des Moines millionaires will only make their workforce crisis worse, especially in rural Iowa.

“Thanks to President Biden, Iowa’s fiscal position is stable. The Legislature should move quickly in 2022 to approve:

• “Tax cuts targeted at middle- and lower-income Iowans and smaller businesses.

• “Significant investments in job training and apprenticeships; paid family leave; and affordable child care and housing.

“Republican economic and tax policies have created Iowa’s workforce crisis. Let’s not make it worse. It’s time for new, bold thinking to make our economy work for hardworking, everyday Iowans. ”
