Iowa Sen. Herman Quirmbach released the following statement on the increases in tuition, fees, and room and board at Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Northern Iowa. The increases were enacted for next school year by the Iowa Board of Regents on Wednesday.
The Board raised in-state tuition this fall by 3.5 percent for students at all three institutions. Base tuition increases for in-state students are $304 at ISU, $305 at U of I, and $285 at UNI. For Iowa students living on campus, the average overall increase including room and board and fees is $838.67.
“The tuition hikes enacted by the Board of Regents today are the direct result of Des Moines Statehouse Republicans’ failure to support Iowans and build a stronger future for our state,” Iowa State Sen. Herman Quirmbach said. “These increases make it harder for Iowans to go to college, stay in college, and remain in Iowa after college.
“Senate and House Republicans denied the Regents universities any increase at all in their general funding. Had the Republicans granted the full increase the Board requested, it would have been enough to avoid any increase in costs for in-state students. Had the Republicans even gone along with Governor Reynold’s meager $12 million request, tuition increases for in-state undergraduates would have been unnecessary.
“Instead, Statehouse Republicans thumbed their noses at their own governor and passed the costs along to Iowa students and their families,“ Quirmbach said. “Republican politicians in Des Moines have once again chosen tax breaks for the wealthy and big corporations over a brighter future for the next generation of Iowans.”
Quirmbach, D-Ames, is the ranking member on the Senate Education Committee.