Des Moines — Iowa state Sen. Janice Weiner released the following statement regarding the Iowa Board of Medicine’s meeting Friday, in which proposed rules concerning Iowa’s 6-week abortion ban were introduced and considered.
“The vague and unworkable rules considered today by the Board of Medicine are just the latest evidence of how dangerous and unjust Iowa Republicans’ six-week abortion ban is for Iowans,” Sen. Janice Weiner, D-Iowa City, said. “There is simply no way to enact a six-week abortion ban without threatening Iowa doctors and hurting Iowans.”
“These rules would require doctors to interrogate their patients, retraumatizing women who have already undergone an incredibly traumatic experience,” Weiner said. “A doctor’s job is to provide the highest standard of care – not to act like an investigator or think like a prosecutor.”
“These rules also fail to clarify the discipline a doctor would face under Republicans’ extreme six-week ban,” Weiner said. “Without meaningful guidance, the existential fear of license revocation will prevent doctors from providing necessary care to victims of rape or incest.”
“These rules put both doctors and patients in an untenable situation,” Weiner said. “As we heard from the medical professionals today, we need to let doctors do their jobs and keep the politics out of the exam room.”
Sen. Weiner serves on the Senate State Government Committee.