Des Moines — Iowa Senate Democrats on Tuesday introduced a state constitutional amendment guaranteeing reproductive freedom and access to abortion care in Iowa.
The amendment is the centerpiece of a new legislative package from Senate Democrats to protect, expand, and codify legal protections and reproductive healthcare options in the state.
“Iowans prize their freedom – and that includes the freedom to plan and decide their reproductive future,” Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum, D-Dubuque, said. “With this legislative package, we’re answering their call for reproductive freedom by guarding against extreme bans and destructive policies that endanger the health of Iowans.”
The amendment recognizes a fundamental right to reproductive freedom, and is modeled on successful, voter-approved measures added to state constitutions in Michigan and Ohio in recent years.
“The majority of Iowans don’t want extremists in charge of our healthcare decisions,” Sen. Janet Petersen, D-Des Moines, said. “Reproductive freedom matters to Iowans, and those rights should be protected in our Constitution. Senate Democrats are united behind a constitutional amendment that protects our reproductive freedom and reflects the will of Iowans.”
Other elements of the package include legislation providing access to over-the-counter birth control; reinstating state support for family planning services; and expanding postpartum coverage under Medicaid to one year for new mothers and children.
The amendment and legislative package is a key element in Senate Democrats’ Better Deal for Iowans agenda for 2024. Senate Democrats are fighting for the freedom of all Iowans to make their own choices and live their own lives without undue interference or restrictions from the government.
More about the package:
A Constitutional Right to Reproductive Freedom: Senate Joint Resolution 2001
- This resolution enshrines the fundamental right to reproductive freedom in Iowa’s State Constitution through a constitutional amendment. This includes the right to prenatal and childbirth care, postpartum care, contraception, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care. Restrictions imposed by the state would be subject to strict scrutiny by the courts, the highest constitutional standard.
Over-the-Counter Birth Control: Senate File 2141
- This bill permits pharmacists to order and dispense birth control without requiring a doctor’s prescription, increasing access to birth control and contraceptives across Iowa.
Family Planning Services for Iowans: Senate File 2137
- This bill reinstates the State Family Planning program. Republicans defunded this program in 2017, drastically limiting the number of providers able to provide family-planning resources to low-income families.
Postpartum Medicaid Coverage: Senate File 57
- This bill provides postpartum coverage for pregnant Iowans for up to 12 months after pregnancy, up from the current 60-day requirement. This bill aligns with federal requirements, ensuring all eligible Iowans can access postpartum care.
Right to Contraception: Senate File 2135
- The legislation codifies Iowans’ right to access and obtain contraception and prohibits health providers from adopting limitations or requirements that would impede access to contraceptives. It also preempts any future state or local government restrictions on contraceptive access and authorizes enforcement for violations of the law.