“The Religious Freedom Restoration Act is a blank check for people to impose their religious beliefs on others and to discriminate against people they don’t like,” Iowa state Sen. Janice Weiner said. “That’s wrong. Religious beliefs are not a shield for discrimination. That’s not what Iowans believe, and it’s not what they want written into state law.”
“If RFRA becomes law, Iowans will be harmed and Iowa will lose out on critical economic opportunities,” Weiner said. “Our state will miss out on economy-boosting business and cultural events. We will fall behind in the fierce competition for new economic investments. We will struggle to attract newcomers to live and work here. And we will see talented and valued Iowans move away in search of a more welcoming climate.”
“When we’re facing a historic workforce crisis, we must draw people to Iowa – not push them away. RFRA is wrong for Iowa,” Weiner said.
Sen. Janice Weiner, D-Iowa City, is a member of the Senate State Government Committee.