Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum’s End-of-Session Speech for the 2024 Legislative Session

Thank you, Madam President.  As we wrap up our work and move to conclude the 2024 legislative session and Iowa’s 90th General Assembly, I first want to take a moment to say thank you to the devoted civil servants whose hard work makes this chamber function.  To the clerks, pages, ...

Thank you, Madam President. 

As we wrap up our work and move to conclude the 2024 legislative session and Iowa’s 90th General Assembly, I first want to take a moment to say thank you to the devoted civil servants whose hard work makes this chamber function. 

To the clerks, pages, caucus staff, the tireless professional staff of the LSA, the Secretary of the Senate’s office, doorkeepers, members of the press, the lobby, our interns, and all of our fellow Iowans who have followed our work these last four months – thank you. Your hard work, commitment, diligence, and expertise is truly appreciated. 

Four months ago, we convened here from all corners of our state with a common goal: to make life better for the people of Iowa. Senate Democrats entered this session offering a Better Deal for Iowans.

We pledged to stand up for the core values of Opportunity, Freedom, and Accountability. And over the course of this session, we worked to ensure those values came through in every bill we filed, every amendment we offered, and every point we made on the floor of this chamber. 

At every turn, we asked ourselves:

  • Does this create more opportunity for Iowans?
  • Does it ensure freedom for Iowans?
  • Does it provide more accountability for Iowans?

Unfortunately, too often this year, in too many bills offered and advanced by the Republican majority, the answer to those questions was a resounding NO. 

Republicans in this chamber, across the rotunda, and in the big office downstairs all too often refused to work in good faith across the aisle to benefit Iowans. Instead, they chose to fight divisive culture wars, hand over more power to the governor, and push narrow legislation benefiting special interests at the expense of the majority of Iowans.

Senate Democrats, by contrast, focused on what truly matters: Iowa’s families, children, and workers. We did the best we could to live those values of opportunity, freedom, and accountability. 

We offered a package of legislation to protect Iowans’ basic freedom and access to necessary healthcare. We introduced legislation bringing desperately needed accountability reforms to our long-term care system to ensure the safety and dignity of Iowa seniors. We proposed state aid for our public schools that would begin to address years of underinvestment. They all went nowhere. 

When Republican lawmakers refused to consider these measures, they didn’t just ignore this chamber’s Democratic minority – they ignored the will of Iowans.

Senate Democrats also listened to the thousands of Iowans who resisted the governor’s heavy-handed attack on Iowa’s Area Education Agencies – and worked at every turn to preserve a system that helps Iowa families and delivers for Iowa children. 

When Republican lawmakers forced that legislation into law, they showed they cared more about pleasing the governor than representing their constituents.

When the final gavel falls on this General Assembly, Iowans will look back on it with disappointment – disappointment over the misplaced priorities, the missed opportunities, and the time wasted on measures that fail to move our state forward.

And by now, after seven years of culture wars and special interests, I think Iowans are pretty tired of being disappointed. They expect more from the representatives they elect. They’re ready for leaders who will represent their values. They’re ready for a better deal.

Senate Democrats are offering a better deal, and we look forward to sharing it with Iowans in every corner of our state. 

Thank you, Madam President.
