Senate Democrats applaud Iowa Chief Justice’s speech

Leaders of the Iowa Senate today responded positively to Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Cady’s annual State of the Judiciary address, and say that proposed cuts by Branstad/Reynolds threaten public safety.

Iowa Senate News Release
For immediate release: January 11, 2017  


Proposed cuts by Branstad/Reynolds threaten public safety


DES MOINES – Leaders of the Iowa Senate today responded positively to Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Cady’s annual State of the Judiciary address.

“Chief Justice Cady delivered a great speech about the importance of investing in our courts and why it matters for families, public safety and all Iowa taxpayers,” said Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg of Cedar Rapids. “We should be doing more – not less – to improve our court system and improve public safety across Iowa.”

“Chief Justice Cady’s speech today demonstrates why the Branstad-Reynolds proposal to gut the judicial branch budget in the middle of the fiscal year will deprive many Iowans access to the court system, and why it will stop the progress and innovation in our courts,” said Senator Bob Dvorsky of Coralville, ranking member of the Justice System Appropriations Subcommittee.

“The deep budget cuts to the court system that were unveiled yesterday by the Branstad-Reynolds Administration are compounded by significant cuts to public safety and prisons,” said Senator Rich Taylor of Mt. Pleasant, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. “The safety of our neighborhoods and communities is not well served by these unnecessary, reckless cuts.”

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