TODAY: Tell your senator to stand up for injured workers

This is an action alert for Monday, March 27. Please e-mail state senators to urge them to support Iowa workers by rejecting two bills Iowa Senate Republicans have placed on the daily debate calendar for today: House File 518 – the bill to gut workers compensation for injured and disabled ...

This is an action alert for Monday, March 27. Please e-mail state senators to urge them to support Iowa workers by rejecting two bills Iowa Senate Republicans have placed on the daily debate calendar for today:

  1. House File 518 – the bill to gut workers compensation for injured and disabled workers.
  2. House File 295 – the bill to take away local minimum wages and reduce the minimum wage for tens of thousands of Iowa workers.

You can find their email addresses at, or call the Iowa Senate switchboard at 515-281-3371 to leave messages for specific individual Senators.

On social media, urge Iowa’s state senators to #SaveIAWorkers and #RaiseTheWage.


Update on Rest of “Dirty Dozen”

  1. Prohibit Local “Pre-Qualification” for Bidding (SF438) – passed Iowa Senate, pending in Iowa House
  2. Circumvent “Buy American” on local road projects (HF203) – passed both Iowa House and Iowa Senate, now signed into law by Governor Branstad
  3. New Government Barriers to Voting (HF516) – passed Iowa House, amended by the Iowa Senate to shorten the window for absentee voting from 40 to 29 days, pending again in the Iowa House
  4. Make Planned Parenthood Ineligible for Medicaid Reimbursement (SF2) – passed Iowa Senate, still pending in Iowa House
  5. Create Religious Exemptions for Boarding School Regulations (SF443) – still pending in Iowa Senate
  6. Eliminate Permits to Acquire Firearms, Other Firearm Changes (HF517) – passed Iowa House, pending in Iowa Senate
  7. Unfunded Mandate on Local Officials to Enforce Immigration Laws (SF481) – still pending in Iowa Senate
  8. Dismantle Des Moines Water Works (HF484/SF456) – still pending in both Iowa House and Iowa Senate
  9. End Bottle and Can Deposit Law (HF575) – pending in Iowa House Ways & Means Committee
  10. Restrict Right to Bring Nuisance Lawsuit (SF447) – passed Iowa Senate and Iowa House, now pending consideration by Governor Branstad. Call his office at 515-281-5211 to urge him to veto it.