Allen hopes to boost job creation through new committee assignments

Under new committee assignments announced this week, Senator Allen was named Ranking Member of the Commerce Committee. He also serves on the Local Government and Veterans Affairs committees, and on the Economic Development Budget Subcommittee.

November 30, 2017

State Senator Chaz Allen, D-Newton, will help shape the work of the Iowa Legislature in 2018 through his work on key Iowa Senate committees.

“Legislative committees are where much of the important work gets done,” Allen said. “Every day during session, I’ll be searching for ways to create good-paying jobs and strengthen Iowa’s economy.”

Under new committee assignments announced this week, Senator Allen was named Ranking Member of the Commerce Committee. He also serves on the Local Government and Veterans Affairs committees, and on the Economic Development Budget Subcommittee.

Senator Allen said he has done bipartisan work with State Senator Jake Chapman, R-Adel, chair of the Commerce Committee, in the past and looks forward to working with him on initiatives that create good Iowa jobs in the coming months.

The second year of the 87th General Assembly of the Iowa Legislature convenes Monday, January 8, 2018.

“I’m preparing by touching base with as many constituents as possible,” Allen said. “Anyone with ideas and concerns is encouraged to share them with me.”

Senator Allen represents the people of Senate District 15, which includes much of Jasper County and eastern Polk County.
