Statement on deferred confirmation vote for DHS Director

We made a reasonable request today to delay the confirmation vote on Jerry Foxhoven until we can fully assess his leadership at DHS. First, there’s no need to rush this important decision. The deadline to deal with confirmations isn’t until April 15. Second, there are too many unresolved problems with the privatization of Medicaid services by the Reynolds Administration.

Iowa Senate News Release
For Immediate Release:  March 7, 2018

Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen on deferred confirmation vote for DHS Director

“We made a reasonable request today to delay the confirmation vote on Jerry Foxhoven until we can fully assess his leadership at the Iowa Department of Human Services.

“First, there’s no need to rush this important decision. The deadline to deal with confirmations isn’t until April 15.

“Second, there are too many unresolved problems with the privatization of Medicaid services by the Reynolds Administration. This is particularly concerning because Governor Reynolds promised in her Condition of the State address this year that Jerry Foxhoven and other new members of her team would:

  • Resolve issues for caregivers ‘in a timely manner and ensure on-time payments.’
  • Reach patients in ‘new and innovative ways to individualize their care.’
  • ‘Make it right.’

“There’s no evidence today that she has kept those promises or has a plan for addressing the concerns of Medicaid recipients, health care providers and Iowa taxpayers.

“In addition, Senate Democrats have concerns related to:

  • Plans to turn the Iowa State Training School for Boys in Eldora into a correctional facility.
  • Foxhoven failing to raise red flags about the impact of mid-year budget cuts on critical services provided by the Department of Human Services.
  • Doubts about the state’s ability to ensure the health and safety of vulnerable Iowa children.”
