GOP school funding shortchanges students & schools

It’s disappointing that legislative Republicans are even undercutting the Governor’s level of education spending. Senate Democrats will support a robust education funding plan that will make up for inflationary losses over the past two years and provide a modest increase as well. We believe that a 3 percent increase is what Iowa schools, educators and students deserve.

Feb. 4, 2019

Statement from State Sen. Herman Quirmbach, D-Ames,
ranking member of the Senate Education Committee,
on inadequate GOP’s education spending plan

“It’s disappointing that legislative Republicans are even undercutting the Governor’s level of education spending.

“Senate Democrats will support a robust education funding plan that will make up for inflationary losses over the past two years and provide a modest increase as well.

“We believe that a 3 percent increase is what Iowa schools, educators and students deserve.”
