New budget estimates mean we must focus on real solutions

Based on the updated revenue estimates, the Governor and legislators must strategically use available resources– including federal funds and the state’s rainy-day fund – to protect key priorities: education, health care and employment security.

Iowa Senate News Release
May 29, 2020

Statement from Sen. Joe Bolkcom, Ranking Member of Senate Appropriations Committee

“Iowans have sacrificed a lot during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Businesses have closed, workers have been laid off, and too many Iowans have been sickened or killed by this horrible disease.

“Because of their sacrifices, Iowans deserve to have their state leaders focus on solutions and maintaining key priorities when the Legislature reconvenes next week. This is a health care crisis and an economic crisis.

“Based on the updated revenue estimates, the Governor and legislators must strategically use available resources– including federal funds and the state’s rainy-day fund – to protect key priorities: education, health care and employment security.

“We also need to press our federal delegation to provide continued assistance to Iowans who are hurting.

“Let’s get to work!”
