Taxes: Reward work, not wealth

Our plan rewards work, not wealth. We believe that we need to support Iowa workers, who are the backbone of our economy, with lower costs and tax cuts, rather than what Republicans want to do, which is supporting the super-rich and corporations who continue to get richer while working Iowans get left behind.

The tax plan that we are unveiling this morning is just one piece of our overall plan to help Iowans recover from the Reynolds workforce crisis. 

Iowans are hardworking people who take pride in our work. But fewer Iowans are working today than when Governor Reynolds took office. Because Republicans are driving workers out of our state and are unable to keep Iowans in the workforce, we don’t have enough workers to keep schools, hospitals, and small businesses open. 

Our plan rewards work, not wealth. We believe that we need to support Iowa workers, who are the backbone of our economy, with lower costs and tax cuts, rather than what Republicans want to do, which is supporting the super-rich and corporations who continue to get richer while working Iowans get left behind.

Iowa Republicans like Governor Reynolds, Sen. Jack Whitver, Sen. Jake Chapman and others are doubling down on a bad plan with more tax cuts for millionaires and corporations, throwing more gas on the culture wars, and underfunding schools, job training, public safety, child care, and preschool.

We are calling for a new direction to solve the Reynolds workforce crisis. Let’s make Iowa a better place where folks want to live, work, and raise a family.

That’s why we are calling for:

  • Boosting basic funding for Iowa’s public schools by $300 million. That’s a better investment in the state’s future than the Republican plan for another $300 million giveaway to corporations.
  • Give middle class Iowans a tax cut, not millionaires and billionaires. 
  • Invest our state surplus into expanding apprenticeships, career training and technical education to help solve the Reynolds Workforce Crisis.
  • Get more parents back into the workforce by making child care affordable throughout Iowa and guaranteeing access to free, universal Pre-K programs. 
  • Renew Iowa’s investment in public safety funding and reform to help keep Iowans safe.

We believe that we need to support Iowa workers, who are the backbone of our economy, with lower costs and tax cuts, rather than what Republicans want to do, which is supporting the super-rich and corporations who continue to get richer while working Iowans get left behind.
