Sen. Nate Boulton Statement on Union-Busting Legislation Senate Study Bill 3158

Iowa state Sen. Nate Boulton released the following statement regarding Wednesday’s subcommittee hearing on Senate Study Bill 3158, Republican politicians’ latest union-busting legislation.  “In 2017, Republicans used their political power to undercut Iowa workers and gut public-sector union rights,” Sen. Nate Boulton, D-Des Moines, said. “They slashed worker rights and ...

Iowa state Sen. Nate Boulton released the following statement regarding Wednesday’s subcommittee hearing on Senate Study Bill 3158, Republican politicians’ latest union-busting legislation. 

“In 2017, Republicans used their political power to undercut Iowa workers and gut public-sector union rights,” Sen. Nate Boulton, D-Des Moines, said. “They slashed worker rights and changed the rules to rig union elections in favor of employers.”

“In the years since, union workers have repeatedly and overwhelmingly voted to keep their unions, overcoming the unfair rules stacked against them,” Boulton said. “But now, Republicans are pushing Senate Study Bill 3158, which allows employers to cancel union elections before they even happen. The agenda is obvious: eliminate workplace rights, limit wages and benefits, and bust unions.” 

“We fought against the Republican union-busting agenda in 2017, filling the Capitol with workers and debating the bill all through the night. We won’t let them make another anti-worker power grab without a fight,” Boulton said. “We know Iowans want higher wages, better workplace protections, and a higher quality of life – not weaker laws and fewer rights. Now is the time for Iowans to stand up and speak out against Republican politicians’ anti-worker agenda.”

Boulton serves on the Senate Workforce Committee.
