Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum Responds to Iowa Supreme Court Ruling on 6-Week Abortion Ban

News Release

Des Moines – Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum released the following statement regarding Friday’s Iowa Supreme Court ruling on the Republican-passed state law banning abortion after 6 weeks. 

“June 28 will be remembered as a tragic day in Iowa history,” Jochum, D-Dubuque, said. “With today’s Supreme Court ruling, a small group of extreme Republican politicians and activist judges have violated nearly two centuries of tradition in Iowa – eliminating fundamental rights rather than expanding them and attacking personal freedom rather than defending it. 

“Extreme anti-choice Republicans are obsessed with controlling Iowans’ lives and dictating their personal health decisions. And today, an activist court used its power to enforce that restrictive ideology rather than applying common sense, legal precedent, and the Iowa constitution.

“With this ruling, Iowans’ healthcare options are being decided by politicians rather than doctors. Iowans’ futures will be chosen for them. Many Iowans will suffer because of this ruling, and some will die because of it. 

“Senate Democrats stand with the majority of Iowans who support safe and legal access to abortion. This despicable and dangerous ruling cannot be the last word on reproductive rights and personal freedom in Iowa. Activist judges and anti-choice Republicans cannot be allowed to control Iowans’ lives. 

In the face of this injustice, Iowans must stand up to attacks on their basic freedom and privacy– and they’ll have an opportunity to do so this November at the ballot box. Extreme Republicans must pay a political price for ignoring the will of the people and trampling on fundamental rights. 

“Finally, this ruling is also a warning for Iowa’s future. If extreme Republicans and activist judges are willing to reject clear public sentiment to undermine longstanding rights, then no other freedoms are secure either. What rights will they come for next?”
