• Senate Dem Leader’s opening day remarks

    Thank you, President Schneider.

    Welcome back to the Iowa Senate and the start of the 2020 Legislative Session.

    A warm welcome to our returning Senators and staff and a special welcome to our new pages, clerks, staff and news media.

    I hope you enjoyed being home in your districts during the interim.

    I am fortunate that most of my family lives in Iowa and we get to spend the holidays together. For Christmas, my mom wrapped up a few records from my sister Barb and my 1980s and ‘70s record collections and gave them to my husband who is an avid vinyl collector. One of them was a “Mister Rogers” album.

    While the last episode of “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” aired in 2001, nearly twenty years ago, Fred Rogers nostalgia seems to be everywhere. So much so, that my 15-year-old daughter asked me this fall why Mr. Rogers has become so popular again.

    I told her I believe Mr. Rogers popularity has resurged because people are longing for kindness and a sense of connection in our world.

    As author and podcast creator Carvel Wallace put it: “In a time like this, Fred Rogers has something that we desperately need.”

    “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” was created especially for kids, but it also sent a message to adults about making our neighborhoods, communities and nation better places to live.

    Mr. Rogers famously told this story: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’

    In that spirit, I’m asking today that we strive to be the new helpers focused on working together to build a healthier, happier, safer and stronger Iowa neighborhood for our parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren and our friends.

    What’s that mean for the Iowa Legislature and Governor this year?

    First, it means state leaders must lead by example. It is time to start sending a message that Iowa will once again be a friendly, inclusive state for everyone. Iowans shouldn’t have to worry that their human and civil rights are on the line when the Legislature is in session.

    We have a responsibility to deliver kindness and care to people who don’t look like us, people who have less money than us, people who don’t share our interests or our political views, and people who haven’t had the opportunities we have received. As leaders, we can foster the idea that our state, our communities and our neighborhoods are safe places where very diverse people can live together.

    We have great examples of Iowans who have delivered that message.

    Iowa State University graduate Carrie Chapman Catt played an important role in securing women’s right to vote in the United States. Our state and country is stronger because women have the right to vote. As we approach the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, let’s push for policies that expand voting rights and advance women’s rights.

    A native of Cresco, Iowa, Norman Borlaug won the Nobel Peace Prize for a lifetime of work to feed a hungry world and to prevent famine and misery in Asia and Central America. His legacy was the inspiration for the Iowa-based World Food Prize, which recognizes the achievements of individuals who are improving the world food supply. This prize continues to make our world safer and brings some of the best and brightest young people to our neighborhood.

    Governor Bob Ray spread hope and kindness when he welcomed thousands of refugees from Southeast Asia in the 1970s. It was a humanitarian effort that made our state better. When Governor Ray died in 2018, here is how Iowa’s beloved leader was remembered: “He was a hero in our eyes because he had the courage and the commitment to do what he felt was truly honorable, and the right thing to do to save thousands of lives.” Today, Iowa neighborhoods are stronger because of the Southeast Asian refugees and other new Iowans.

    Senator Tom Harkin used the power of public office to advance the rights of Americans with disabilities. He’s continuing that important work as a citizen now, with The Harkin Institute, headquartered in Iowa.

    The grit and persistence of Peggy Whitson, the first woman to command the International Space Station, make her a role model for young women everywhere. Did you know she applied to be an astronaut 10 times before finally getting selected? A native of Mt. Ayr, Iowa, Whitson now holds the record for spending more time in outer space than any other American: 665 days.

    And the late Chief Justice Cady and the Iowa Supreme Court sent a positive signal to the world 10 years ago about the importance of equal protection under the law when it unanimously ruled in favor of marriage equality in the Varnum decision. The decision continued Iowa’s long tradition as a leader for equality.

    We have a chance this year in the Iowa Legislature to send more positive signals to our children that we want them to stay in Iowa after graduation. We can build safe, caring and vibrant neighborhoods for people of all ages by working together to get the job done.

    So, what’s that neighborhood look like?

    • It has friendly workplaces. Iowans deserve policies that will help them win at work and at home – like paid family leave, equal pay for equal work, and access to safe, high-quality, affordable child care in every community. While Iowa unemployment may be low, too many Iowans are still underpaid. Let’s raise the minimum wage and end welfare practices that prop up low-wage employers who trap Iowans in chronic poverty. Let’s ensure Iowans are safe on the job by restoring workers’ rights and expanding protections against workplace discrimination and harassment.
    • Let’s make Iowa a safer place to have a baby for parents-to-be. Iowa’s maternal health system is in crisis. We are expecting to  see the 35th labor and delivery unit close in our state and maternal mortality has more than doubled in the past three years. This is a crisis that we can no longer ignore. We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg. Family planning also needs attention. The Reynolds Administration recently released data that shows Iowa’s new family planning program is failing with an 85 percent  decrease in participation and increase in sexually transmitted infections since it began in 2017.
    • Let’s help Iowans get a second chance. This includes immediately restoring voting rights to Iowans leaving prison and returning to their communities, as well as ensuring people in prison get job training, education, and skills they need to reenter society. And let’s ignore the call by some to impose a poll tax on returning citizens who want to vote in the next election.
    • Let’s expand health care and mental health services, and ensure stable, substantial funding for adult and children’s mental health services. And let’s protect our children from the dangers of vaping!
    • Let’s pass a meaningful medical cannabis laws that actually helps Iowans with chronic pain and debilitating diseases. Governor Reynolds, thousands of Iowans are counting on you to provide direction so this can be one of the first issues we tackle this year.
    • Let’s protect human and civil rights. It is time to impose a ban on conversion fraud, a discredited and dangerous practice, and quit putting politicians in charge of the reproductive rights of women. Discrimination deserves no place in the Iowa Constitution.
    • Let’s improve democracy by restoring checks and balances in government. Privatizing oversight of senior programs, relying on the federal government to investigate crime in our DHS facilities, blocking amendments from being debated, back room deals, and ignoring calls for Government Oversight to meet are all unacceptable measures. President Schneider and Senator Whitver, Iowans deserve clean government.
    • Let’s clean up Iowa’s water and increase cultural and recreational opportunities, especially in our small towns and rural areas.

    Instead of more closed-door meetings, let’s invite everyone to the table to talk about how best to clean up Iowa’s water.

    • Let’s get the Iowa economy working for everyone. Iowans don’t win when tax cuts go to out-of-state corporate giants and the wealthy and program cuts go to our public schools and health care services. Our budget should put Iowans first – investing in          our K12 public schools, apprenticeships and job-training programs at a rate higher than inflation.
    • Let’s protect our children so that Iowa kids can be kids. Iowa shouldn’t be a safe place for sexual predators. Let’s pass meaningful legislation to remove Iowa’s criminal and civil statute of limitations and give adult survivors a chance to seek justice. Let’s also give the Attorney General expanded powers to go after sexual predators and organizations that cover up crimes.
    • Let’s redouble our efforts to expand the rights for residents of manufactured homes. Even though they own their homes, these residents have fewer rights than renters and they are facing outrageous rate hikes from predatory, out-of-state landlords.

    As Fred Rogers once said: “If you look for the helpers, you’ll know that there’s hope.”

    Let’s put the power of kindness to work in this place so our children, our grandchildren and all Iowans see that the Iowa Legislature is comprised of helpers who want to make our state a welcoming, friendly neighborhood again for everyone.

    –    end –

  • Take our 2020 survey

    This survey is no longer active.

  • News coverage: Dec. 14 Manufactured Housing Reform Hearing

    News coverage of the December 14 bipartisan legislative forum on Iowa’s need for manufactured housing reform, led by State Sen. Zach Wahls:

  • Statement on State Patrol, DPS misuse of tax dollars

    Listen to this news release

    Statement from State Sen. Tony Bisignano on misuse of tax dollars
    by Iowa State Patrol and Department of Public Safety

    “I can’t believe the silence by Governor Reynolds and other state leaders after the State Auditor reported the misuse of $40,000 in taxpayer money by the Iowa State Patrol and Iowa Department of Public Safety.

    “An audit released yesterday determined that there was no legitimate reason to spend $40,000 to help move an Iowa State Patrol supervisor and his family from Adel to West Des Moines.

    “The Governor should take immediate action to require the Iowa State Patrol supervisor to repay that money to the State of Iowa. She should make sure someone is held accountable for this poor judgment call, including officials who approved it.

    “In addition, the Senate’s Government Oversight Committee should meet the first week of the 2020 session to investigate this matter and to recommend legislation that would stop further misuse of taxpayer dollars.”


    Senator Tony Bisignano of Des Moines is the Ranking Member of the Senate’s Government Oversight Committee.

  • Watch Dec. 14 Manufactured Housing Reform Hearing

    Below are links to the Facebook live stream taken at the Manufactured Housing Reform Meeting.


    Part 1 facebook.com/IowaSenateDemocrats/videos/2642283802527093/

    Part 2 facebook.com/IowaSenateDemocrats/videos/548923872626380/

  • Legislators to hear from mobile home residents, discuss reforms

    Listen to this news release

    Bipartisan State Legislators to Seek Public Comment from Residents of Iowa Manufactured Housing Communities and Discuss Comprehensive Reforms

    “Iowa law should treat residents of manufactured housing with dignity and respect. Earlier this year, Democrats and Republicans came together to take the first steps in the right direction, and now it’s time to finish that bipartisan work.”

    DES MOINES—In light of widespread reports earlier this year of double-digit increases in rent by out-of-state landlords for residents of Iowa manufactured housing communities, a bipartisan group of Iowa lawmakers is seeking public input on proposed changes to Iowa law overseeing manufactured housing communities, also known as “mobile home parks.”

    A meeting to gather public input on proposed reforms will be held on Saturday, December 14, at the Iowa Statehouse. The meeting will take place in Room 103 of the Statehouse, the original chambers of the Iowa Supreme Court. The session will begin at 1 PM and end at 3:45 PM. Iowa legislators from both political parties and both the Iowa House and Senate, as well as representatives from the office of Governor Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Finance Authority, will attend the Saturday meeting.

    Residents, landlords, and experts have been invited, and lawmakers have been informed that residents of manufactured housing from across Iowa plan to attend.

    Compared to residents of other states, Iowans living in manufactured homes on rented plots of land lack the basic protections that traditional renters have. In recent years, out-of-state companies looking for quick profits have bought up Iowa manufactured home parks and sharply increased the rent. Earlier this year, double-digit rent increases as high as 69% were widely reported by the press. In response, legislation to improve the rights of manufactured housing residents was approved unanimously by the Iowa Senate.

    “Iowa law should treat residents of manufactured housing (i.e. ‘mobile homes’) with dignity and respect. Earlier this year, Democrats and Republicans came together to take the first steps in the right direction, and now it’s time to finish that bipartisan work,” said Senator Zach Wahls of Coralville. “Iowa law should protect those who have worked hard for their piece of the American Dream from predatory out-of-state landlords taking advantage of Iowa’s unequal protection for manufactured housing residents.”

    To reserve a time to speak at the Saturday, December 14th meeting, Iowans are encouraged (but not required) to contact legislative staffer Rusty Martin at 515-418-8709 or via  email at rusty.martin@legis.iowa.gov.

    – end –

  • Private management of UI utility system raises concerns

    Statement by Senator Joe Bolkcom on proposed privatized management of University utility system

    This elaborate, 50-year creative borrowing scheme is the result of the failure over the last decade by the Iowa Legislature and Governor Reynolds to adequately fund our public universities.

    The University of Iowa and Iowa Board of Regents are moving at breakneck speed toward approving a proposed University of Iowa’s plan to privatize management of the institution’s electricity and water systems in exchange for a $1 billion-dollar (my guesstimate because it’s still a secret) payment.

    Like a hedge fund, the University of Iowa will invest this borrowed money in the markets, in hopes of realizing large capital gains to both payback the borrowed money to the investors and realize a financial gain to fund the University. Like a home mortgage, every dollar that the University receives in an upfront payment will have to be paid back with interest over the next 50-years.

    Exotic and possibly risky financing with international investors’ money is the latest plan by Governor Reynolds, the Board of Regents and university leaders to support educating our Iowa college students. The plan relies on the performance of the markets to succeed. If for some reason the University can’t pay back the money, Iowa taxpayers will.

    This elaborate, 50-year creative borrowing scheme is the result of the failure over the last decade by the Iowa Legislature and Governor Reynolds to adequately fund our public universities.

    Except for handful of legislative leaders and the Governor’s office, Iowans have been left in the dark about the financial details of this deal. The assets of the University of Iowa belong to Iowa taxpayers not any board or unelected administrator. We have not privatized the University of Iowa yet! Iowans deserve a far more transparent process and a timely sharing of the financial details of such a complicated long-term deal.

    Iowans will have no opportunity to express their views on the final details of borrowing plan. At the Board of Regents meeting next week, they will reveal the successful bidder and the amount of the deal moments before they vote to approve the contract. Their agenda does not allow for any public input.

    Taxpayers deserve some straight answers to basic questions before the Board of Regents rubber-stamps the deal. Some of the questions include:

    • Who is the company and what is their expertise and experience operating both a power plant and drinking water system?
    • Where is the money coming from?
    • How much money will need to be paid back?
    • Who is financially responsible if the plan fails?
    • Why does the University of Iowa continue to pay all the costs of staff, fuel and capital improvements to operate the utility systems?
    • Why have Iowan’s been left in the dark?

    This is no way to run a public university. This is not a long-term solution to fund higher education. Iowa taxpayers and University of Iowa faculty, staff and students deserve better.

  • Who owns Iowa’s manufactured homes parks?

    Who is buying up Iowa’s manufactured home parks?

    Here’s a complete list compiled by Iowa’s nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency with additional information from Iowa State Association of Counties.

    Contact: Robin Madison, robin.madison@legis.iowa.gov